  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • .
  • Pirate's Treasure is a commodities market on Pranayama Island on the Cerulean Ocean. Image:Icon boarding house.pngArr! This article about a building in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Agree to help Frank, who will tell you where to acquire the rum he seeks: Musa Point. Walk down south on the docks to see three sailors, Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris, and Seaman Thresnor. Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins (or for free if you have an activated ring of charos).
  • Pirate's Treasure on F2p-tehtävä RuneScapessa. Redbeard Frank, eli Frank punaparta tietää minne merirosvojen salainen aarre on kätketty. Hän saattaa tarvita hieman suostuttelua, jotta kertoisi sen sinulle.
  • Praat met Redbeard Frank op het dok zuidelijk van de bar in Port Sarim en vraag hem achter een schat. Hij wil je de locatie van de schat pas vertellen als je hem Karamja rum haalt.
  • Talk to Redbeard Frank (located on the northernmost Port Sarim dock). He wants you to get some Karamja rum before he'll tell you the location of the treasure. Walk south on the docks to see three sailors (walk past the monks who also offer you a fare). Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins. After paying the fare and sailing to Karamja, click on the gangplank to exit to ship.
  • Before starting the quest, purchase a White Apron from Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock and get a Spade from Draynor Manor, or the house north of the park in Falador. Now, to start the quest, talk to Redbeard Frank in The Rusty Anchor in Port Sarim. Tell him you are in search of treasure. He says he knows where some is and can tell you where its located for the price of some Karamja Rum. However, Karamja Rum cannot be taken off the island of Karamja, making his request a bit tough to pull off.
  • Говорете с Франк. Ще ви поиска да го черпите с ром от Карамджа, преди да ви каже къде е скрито съкровището. Вървете на юг, към доковете, където ще намерите трима моряци - капитан Тобиас, матрос Лорис, и матрос Треснор. Говорете с някого от тях, за да ви откарат до Карамджа за 30 пари. В Карамджа, тръгнете на запад към make your way west towards the бара. На картата това място е означено с бирена халба. Влезте в бара и купете от бармана Замбо - ром от Карамджа (струва 30 пари).
  • Svårighetsgradsnivå: Medium Startplats: Prata med Redbeard Frank - pirattillverkaren på bryggan utanför Port Sarim's pub. Fråga honom om han vet någonting om skatten - som alla goda pirater gör. Redbeard Frank vet var den hemliga piratskatten är gömd. Det kan kräva en del arbete för att övertyga honom att låta dig veta var, dock. Required: Poster: 120 GP, en spade, ett vitt förkläde (köpa från Varrock's klädbutik eller plocka upp gratis i Port Sarim's fiskeshop). NPC: Redbeard Frank, Zambo, Luthas, tulltjänsteman, Wydin Walkthrough Dölj / Visa: thumb|228px|Färdigt! Pirate's Treasure Reward:
  • First of all, find a white apron. These can be bought from the clothing store in Varrock, as well as being found hanging on the back wall of Gerrant's Fishy Business. They may also be bought from other players. Talk to Redbeard Frank. He wants you to get some Karamja rum before he'll tell you the location of the treasure. So, walk south on the docks to see three sailors, Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris, and Seaman Thresnor. Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins.
  • Medium
  • Short
  • Средна
  • no
  • *A Varrock and Falador teleport
  • Keskipitkä
  • geen
  • 2
  • gemiddeld
  • Redbeard Frank weet een schat liggen, maar hij zal het je alleen vertellen als je hem een fles rum brengt.
  • Ei
  • right
  • 840.0
  • 16
  • No
  • * A casket containing 450 coins, an emerald and a gold ring * Ability to use the payfare option to go to and from Karamja * You can now work for Luthas by filling the export crates with bananas, and be reimbursed with 30 coins for every crate you fill.
  • *Ability to use the pay-fare option to and from Karamja. *Access to One-Eyed Hector's Treasure Chest. *Chest .
  • October 2005
  • geen
  • 1
  • Novice
  • Cerulean
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Pirates Treasure
  • Pirate's Treasure
  • Garnet
  • market
  • No
  • nee
  • Не
  • *Karamjan rum *White apron *60 coins *10 bananas *Spade
  • * White apron * Spade * 90 coins, or a ring of charos (a) and 30 coins
  • * White apron * 60 coins, or a ring of charos (a) and 30 coins * 10 bananas
  • Karamja rum, white apron, 90 coins, spade.
  • *60 coins *White Apron *Spade *Runes to teleport to Varrock and Falador would be helpful
  • Бутилка ром от Карамджа, бяла престилка, 90 пари, лопата.
  • The island of Karamja is open
  • Pirate's Treasure icon.png
  • The northernmost dock at Port Sarim, just south of the pub.
  • Port Sarim, op het dok zuid van de taverne
  • Talk to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim
  • Speak to Redbeard Frank at the northern-most dock of Port Sarim, just south of The Rusty Anchor pub.
  • The northmost dock at Port Sarim, just south of the Pub.
  • Северният док в Порт Сарим, южно от кръчмата.
  • Speak to Redbeard Frank just south of The Rusty Anchor pub in Port Sarim.
  • Redbeard Frank knows the location of pirate treasure, but he'll only part with the knowledge for a bottle of Karamja rum.
  • Франк Рижата брада, знае къде се намира пиратско съкровище. Но той ще ви разкаже историята само срещу бутилка ром от Карамджа.
  • Pranayama Island
  • yes
  • 2001-06-11
  • 2001-06-11
  • Paul Gower
  • yes
  • None
  • Able to defeat or run away from a Combat level 4 gardener.
  • Able to defeat or run away from a combat level 4 Gardener.
  • Да сте в състояние да надвиете или избягате от градинар 4-то ниво комбат.
  • gemiddeld
  • Port Sarimin baarin viereisellä laiturilla, puhu merirosvo Redbeard Frankille.
  • 60
  • 2
  • Pitää pystyä voittamaan 4. taistelutason puutarhuri, tai juosta siltä karkuun.
  • *90gp *10 Bananas *Spade *White apron
  • Redbeard Frank tietää merirosvoaarteen sijainnin, mutta suostuu paljastamaan tietonsa vain pullollisesta Karamjan rommia. Redbeard Frank ei halua paljastaa kenellekkään aarteen sijaintia ilman mojovaa palkkiota, niin siksi tämä "pieni" tehtävä sopii kuin nenä päähän ison aarteen antamiseen.
  • .
  • Pirate's Treasure is a commodities market on Pranayama Island on the Cerulean Ocean. Image:Icon boarding house.pngArr! This article about a building in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Говорете с Франк. Ще ви поиска да го черпите с ром от Карамджа, преди да ви каже къде е скрито съкровището. Вървете на юг, към доковете, където ще намерите трима моряци - капитан Тобиас, матрос Лорис, и матрос Треснор. Говорете с някого от тях, за да ви откарат до Карамджа за 30 пари. В Карамджа, тръгнете на запад към make your way west towards the бара. На картата това място е означено с бирена халба. Влезте в бара и купете от бармана Замбо - ром от Карамджа (струва 30 пари). Не бързайте да си тръгвате от острова. Ако го направите митничарите ще конфискуват рома, защото е забранено да се внася алкохол в Асгарния. Не опитвайте и телепортация, защото бутилката ще се счупи. Върнете се обратно към кораба, но преди да достигнете до митницата - идете на север при Лутас (собственик на бананова плантация). Говорете с него и той ще ви наеме като работник. Също ще ви каже, че неговите сандъци не се проверяват от митничарите. Лутас ще поиска да напълните няколко сандъка с банани. Съгласете се и излезте навън, и отидете в банановата плантация. Щракнете върху бананово дърво (Grab 10 Bananas), за да наберете банани. След това идете при сандъците пред склада на Лутас. Поставете бутилката с ром на дъното на сандъка и сложете бананите отгоре. След като свършите с бананите, говорете с Лутас за да ви плати. Питайте го къде отиват сандъците - ще ви каже, че отиват при човек, който има магазин в Порт Сарим. Говорете и с митничарите, и се връщайте обратно в Порт Сарим. След като слезете от кораба, идете в магазина (малко на юг). Влезте вътре и се огледайте за вратата, която води към задната му част. Влезте там. Собственикът ще ви каже, че влизането е разрешено само за персонала. Поискайте да работите за него и ако носите бялата престилка той ще се съгласи. Сега влезте в стаята и отворете сандъка, в който е бутилката. Вземете рома и се върнете при Франк Рижата брада. Франк ще ви даде ключ за сандък в един бар във Варок. Идете във Варок, близо до южната порта има бар - казва се "Тъжна луна" (Blue Moon Inn). Влезте вътре, качете се по стълбите на втория етаж и потърсете сандъка. Когато го откриете използвайте ключа, за да вземете пиратското съобщение. То ще ви насочи към мястото на съкровището. Преди това ви е нужна лопата. Може да купите една от магазина или да вземете от местата, където се появяват (примерно мината близо до Римингтън) или в агенцията по недвижими имоти близо до парка във Фаладор. След като се сдобиете с лопата, влезте в парка - не може да го сбъркате, доста е голям и се забелязва лесно. Погледнете към статуята на Сарадомин. Обърнете внимание на къде сочи. Ще забележите, че там двете алеи се пресичат под формата на "Х" - застанете точно в центъра и копайте. В този момент градинарят ще ви атакува - убийте го или избягайте и после пак се върнете, за да извадите заровеният сандък. С изваждането на сандъка приключва това приключение. Отворете го, за да получите наградата си.
  • Agree to help Frank, who will tell you where to acquire the rum he seeks: Musa Point. Walk down south on the docks to see three sailors, Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris, and Seaman Thresnor. Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins (or for free if you have an activated ring of charos).
  • Pirate's Treasure on F2p-tehtävä RuneScapessa. Redbeard Frank, eli Frank punaparta tietää minne merirosvojen salainen aarre on kätketty. Hän saattaa tarvita hieman suostuttelua, jotta kertoisi sen sinulle.
  • Praat met Redbeard Frank op het dok zuidelijk van de bar in Port Sarim en vraag hem achter een schat. Hij wil je de locatie van de schat pas vertellen als je hem Karamja rum haalt.
  • Talk to Redbeard Frank (located on the northernmost Port Sarim dock). He wants you to get some Karamja rum before he'll tell you the location of the treasure. Walk south on the docks to see three sailors (walk past the monks who also offer you a fare). Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins. After paying the fare and sailing to Karamja, click on the gangplank to exit to ship.
  • Before starting the quest, purchase a White Apron from Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock and get a Spade from Draynor Manor, or the house north of the park in Falador. Now, to start the quest, talk to Redbeard Frank in The Rusty Anchor in Port Sarim. Tell him you are in search of treasure. He says he knows where some is and can tell you where its located for the price of some Karamja Rum. However, Karamja Rum cannot be taken off the island of Karamja, making his request a bit tough to pull off.
  • First of all, find a white apron. These can be bought from the clothing store in Varrock, as well as being found hanging on the back wall of Gerrant's Fishy Business. They may also be bought from other players. Talk to Redbeard Frank. He wants you to get some Karamja rum before he'll tell you the location of the treasure. So, walk south on the docks to see three sailors, Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris, and Seaman Thresnor. Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karamja for 30 coins. On Karamja, make your way west towards the Karamja Wines, Spirits, and Beers bar. On your map, it will have a picture of a beer glass. Walk inside and trade with the bartender Zambo. Buy one karamja rum (costs 30 coins). Do not leave the island just yet. If you do, the Customs officers will take your rum away, as Asgarnia has banned the import of intoxicating spirits. Do not try to teleport off the island with the rum, because the bottle will break in the process. Go back towards the ship, but before you reach the customs guards, go north to talk to Luthas, the owner of the banana plantation. Talk to him and he will hire you as his worker. He also says that his crates are not searched by the customs guards if you ask him about the customs officer. So, he wants you to put some bananas inside his crate outside his store. Agree to help him. Walk outside his store and then go back west and enter the banana plantation beside his house. Click on the banana trees to obtain bananas. Grab 10 Bananas. Next, walk towards the crate outside Luthas' store. Use your rum with the crate to hide it. Next, use the bananas with the crate (or right click on the crate and choose Fill Crate). When you can no longer put any more bananas in your crate, talk to Luthas and obtain your payment. Ask him where the crate goes, and he will tell you they go to a person named Wydin who owns the food store in Port Sarim. So talk to the customs officers and go back to Port Sarim. When you get off the ship, find the food store, which should be south a bit. Enter the store and look for a door at the back of the store. Try to enter it. Wydin will tell you only employees can go there. Ask to work for him, and if you have your white apron on you, he'll agree. So enter the room and search the crate in the room. You should find your rum. Take it and go back to Redbeard Frank. Frank gives you a key to a chest in a bar in Varrock. So go to Varrock and go to the southern entrance, and stand outside the sword shop. To the east, there should be a bar. It will be the Blue Moon Inn. Go upstairs in the bar and look for a chest in one of the rooms. Use the key you got from Frank on the chest to obtain a pirate message. It will give you a clue to the treasure's location. Before you do the following, get a spade. You can buy spades at farming stores, and they spawn in a number of locations, such as the mine near Rimmington, the southeast room of Draynor Manor, or inside the real estate agency south-west of Falador Park. Once you have a spade, go to Falador and look for the park. It is north of the eastern bank. It is very large and cannot be missed. Now look for a statue of Saradomin. Look at where he is pointing. You must remember though, that he is NOT in fact pointing directly at where you should stand. Look at how the configuration of the dirt makes an X. It may not look like an "X" if you are facing north. You may have to rotate a little. When in the center of the "X" you should be fairly close to Saradomin. Stand in the middle of the dirt "X" and click on your spade to dig. A gardener will then start fighting you. Kill him, or run out of the park and then run back in, and then dig again in the same spot to get a another chest. You have completed Pirate's Treasure, now open the chest and claim your reward! Note: In RuneScape Classic, the player must dig behind the bench by using the spade with the flowers.
  • Svårighetsgradsnivå: Medium Startplats: Prata med Redbeard Frank - pirattillverkaren på bryggan utanför Port Sarim's pub. Fråga honom om han vet någonting om skatten - som alla goda pirater gör. Redbeard Frank vet var den hemliga piratskatten är gömd. Det kan kräva en del arbete för att övertyga honom att låta dig veta var, dock. Required: Poster: 120 GP, en spade, ett vitt förkläde (köpa från Varrock's klädbutik eller plocka upp gratis i Port Sarim's fiskeshop). NPC: Redbeard Frank, Zambo, Luthas, tulltjänsteman, Wydin Walkthrough Dölj / Visa: 1: Att rom Prata med sjömännen på lastkajer och köpa resa till Karamja för 30gp. Korsa landgång att börja resan. När du har stigit gå direkt till puben (som en normal person skulle i tryckande värme av en tropisk ö!) Det är den första byggnaden till vänster (söder) av sökvägen. Handel med Zambo, lite berusad bartender, och köpa en Karamjan Rom för 30gp. 2: I början av en plan Om du prata med tulltjänstemän på lastkajer, de ska berätta för er att Asgarnia har förbjudit import av sprit. Om du försöker gå igenom med rom tjänstemannen kommer att beslagta den. I en liten stuga nära kajen hittar du Luthas, ägare till angränsande banan plantage. Har lite av en chatt om tulltjänsteman och han kommer berätta för er att han känner henne och att hans export inte får sökte! Fråga honom för ett jobb och han anställer dig för att plocka bananer och packa in dem i lådan utanför. 3: Att rom till fastlandet Gå ut och lägga rom i lådan. Gå sedan till banan plantage och plocka 10 bananer och lägg dem i lådan också. (Använd "fylla lådan" om du vill lägga till dem alla på en gång.) Luthas betalar du 30gp för insamling av bananer. Prata med Luthas igen och be honom om bananer kommer - han ska berätta för er att han säljer dem till Wydin, ägaren till livsmedelsbutiken i Port Sarim. Gå och prata med tulltjänsteman och segla tillbaka till fastlandet (kostnader 30gp igen.) Obs: Om du bara teleport off Karamja, flaskan kommer paus. 4: Ger ett rum till Frank Du behöver ett vitt förkläde nu - om du har glömt, bara gå in på Fiske butik norr om livsmedels-butik och få en utanför muren. Gå till mat affären och be Wydin om du kan få ett jobb. När du är anställd, kan du gå in på baksidan av butiken och få rum i en av lådorna. Ta det till Frank och han kommer berätta om skatten. 5: Kistan Efter Frank säger hans berättelse han ger dig nyckeln till bröstet på Blue Moon Inn. Värdshuset ligger i centrala Varrock, söder om den allmänna butik. Öppna bröstet (en trappa upp, i slutet av korridoren) och inne hittar du en notering. One Eyed Hector inte var känd för sin handstil, men det säger, "Besök staden White Knights, i parken Saradomin pekar på X som markerar platsen." 6: Treasure I Falador parken statyn av Saradomin pekar på ett X skapats av stigar, promenera till centrum och klicka på spade att gräva med den. Var medveten om att Trädgårdsmästare kommer attackera dig när du försöker gräva. thumb|228px|Färdigt! Pirate's Treasure Reward: En guldring Cut Emerald 450gp Möjlighet att högerklicka "payfare" för resan till och från Karamja. Quest poäng som erhållits på utförande: 2 Skrivet av : Sumoningboss Kategori:Musik Kategori:Quest
is Tehtävä of
is Quests of
is Quest of
is wikipage disambiguates of