  • Georgia (Failed CC)
  • Georgia was one of the 13 English colonies that joined the Continental Congress and declared independence in 1776, and the only one of these colonies that have not joined the other former colonies. Georgia was originally established as a monarchy, and claimed all territories south of the 35th parallel with and undefined border in the west and recognizing the existence of Florida, who has returned to Spanish hands. In 1836, the Capital was translated form Augusta to Mobile.
  • George Wallace
ind date
  • 1776
name short
  • Georgia
  • President
  • Failed Continental Congress
  • Republic of Georgia
  • Dictatorship
  • Unitary Republic
  • English
  • Mobile
  • Ga flag.png
ind rec
  • 1783
  • Georgia was one of the 13 English colonies that joined the Continental Congress and declared independence in 1776, and the only one of these colonies that have not joined the other former colonies. Georgia was originally established as a monarchy, and claimed all territories south of the 35th parallel with and undefined border in the west and recognizing the existence of Florida, who has returned to Spanish hands. While Georgian pretensions were opposed to Spanish pretensions on West Florida and Louisiana, there was an agreement between Spanish and Georgian authorities granting Georgians to settle north of the 31st parallel and east of the Perdido river and its meridian. This did not stop Georgians attempting to settle west of the Perdido River or in East and West Florida. In 1806, the detention by Spanish authorities of several Georgians in West Florida triggered an armed invasion by Georgia. Spanish naval superiority and St Augustine fortifications proved essential for protecting East Florida and the peninsula. However greater manpower allowed Georgians to control West Florida and the territories between the Perdido and Mississippi Rivers. In the Mobile Treaty of 1808, Spain ceded the territories between the Apalachicola and the Pearl Rivers (south of the 31st parallel) and all territories East of the Mississippi (north of 31st parallel) to Georgia. On the other hand Georgia recognized Spanish authority over East Florida and the peninsula. In 1836, the Capital was translated form Augusta to Mobile. In 1915, a succession crisis in the monarchy provoked the declaration of the republic. There was some kind of functional presidential democracy up to 1950 when the socialist President McCaine was deposed by reactionary General Montgomery a few months before his period of office ended. Three non-elected presidents have governed Georgia had since then: Montgomery, Rodham, and Wallace.