  • Brotherhood of Meatllix
  • The Brotherhood of Meatllix are robots made of raw red meat (steak for the torso, bacon elsewhere and possibly sausages for limbs) in the image of Sonic the Hedgehog. Actually bigger than their original inspiration, these robots were created by Robotnikat in order to defeat long-time enemy Sonic. "Meatllix" is actually an intentional misspelling of "Metallix", the robots they are based on. As part of April Fools' Day 2011, Tom Huxley "wrote" a script involving the aforementioned villains. Adamis took on the role of drawing the characters, but presented it with a series of typos:
  • The Brotherhood of Meatllix are robots made of raw red meat (steak for the torso, bacon elsewhere and possibly sausages for limbs) in the image of Sonic the Hedgehog. Actually bigger than their original inspiration, these robots were created by Robotnikat in order to defeat long-time enemy Sonic. "Meatllix" is actually an intentional misspelling of "Metallix", the robots they are based on. As part of April Fools' Day 2011, Tom Huxley "wrote" a script involving the aforementioned villains. Adamis took on the role of drawing the characters, but presented it with a series of typos: "Here's a little tatser of the story I'm curretnly working on with Tom! By popluar demnad, it's the return of... the Brotherhood of Meatllix!" The "tatser" image was positively received by Boomers on the Message Zone, appreciating the little joke. More interestingly, the image also contained the debut of Robotnikat, a past/future version of Doctor Robotnik who later appeared in Many Happy Returns, an Issue 255 story. The Brotherhood of Meatllix eventually made their full Sonic the Comic Online debut in a series of special Robotnikat comics for the Sonic the Easter Special. The panel was unaltered from the original teaser and showed no sign of what happened to the Meatllix.