  • Bone Serpent
  • The Bone Serpent is one of the burrowing monsters, capable of moving through blocks, and it can be found in The Underworld. It is the strongest of the non-boss enemies before defeating the Wall of Flesh. It is also equal in health with the Digger. In order to kill a Bone Serpent, you need to destroy at least one section. The tail can be "killed" without killing the rest of the Bone Serpent.
  • Knochenschlange
  • Костяной змей
  • Serpiente de Hueso
  • The Bone Serpent is one of the burrowing monsters, capable of moving through blocks, and it can be found in The Underworld. It is the strongest of the non-boss enemies before defeating the Wall of Flesh. It is also equal in health with the Digger. In order to kill a Bone Serpent, you need to destroy at least one section. The tail can be "killed" without killing the rest of the Bone Serpent. The Bone Serpent is, like all burrowing enemies, immune to lava. Each section of a Bone Serpent will drop loot, but as they are usually defeated by destroying one segment of their bodies they tend to drop only one item. Applying large damage to multiple body sections at once with Dynamite will result in loot from every body section. This can drastically increase the loot gained from Bone Serpents.