  • Stone Dalek
  • The stone Daleks were two members of the New Dalek Paradigm at the Alliance's sealing of the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica in 102. As the cracks in time continued to run rampant across the universe, Dalek history was erased, leaving the stone Daleks as petrified after-images. When the Doctor reset the universe and timeline, the stone Daleks, along with all things that had been erased from history, were restored to their original form and place in space and time. (TV: The Big Bang)
  • Earth
  • Stone Dalek
Voice Actor
  • Nicholas Briggs
  • Dalek
Home Planet
  • Skaro
  • The Big Bang
  • The stone Daleks were two members of the New Dalek Paradigm at the Alliance's sealing of the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica in 102. As the cracks in time continued to run rampant across the universe, Dalek history was erased, leaving the stone Daleks as petrified after-images. The Pandorica held atoms from the original universe, taken before the cracks erased events, which could sustain life. Light from the Pandorica restored one of the Daleks, albeit with limited power. This stone Dalek shot the Doctor, severely wounding the Time Lord without killing him but depleted its energy reserves nonetheless. It was confronted by River Song, who threatened to kill it by shooting its eyestalk with an Alpha Meson gun. Initially, it did not believe that River would destroy it, thinking that as one of the Doctor's companions, she would show mercy. River told it to look her up in its data banks. After doing so, it begged repeatedly for mercy, shaking in terror. Later, when Amy and Rory asked where it was, she stated, "It died." When the Doctor reset the universe and timeline, the stone Daleks, along with all things that had been erased from history, were restored to their original form and place in space and time. (TV: The Big Bang)