  • Moussaka
  • As described in the script, Phlox and Cutler were to have been shown sharing a plate of moussaka (along with a plate of Denobulan poag) in the mess hall on Enterprise NX-01, with a voiceover from Phlox stating, "Today I sampled moussaka, a dish indigenous to the Greek Islands. It was marvelous." Whereas Phlox eagerly ate the moussaka, Cutler much less enjoyed tasting poag.
  • As described in the script, Phlox and Cutler were to have been shown sharing a plate of moussaka (along with a plate of Denobulan poag) in the mess hall on Enterprise NX-01, with a voiceover from Phlox stating, "Today I sampled moussaka, a dish indigenous to the Greek Islands. It was marvelous." Whereas Phlox eagerly ate the moussaka, Cutler much less enjoyed tasting poag.