  • Do a little promenading yourself
  • From: [[]] This is the sort of area where a person of distinction may see and be seen. Are we displaying the latest fashions? Are we elegantly accessorised? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A pleasing afternoon
Failure title
  • Perhaps if one tried a weasel?
  • 60
Failure description
  • You stroll, you nod, you exchange pleasantries. But something is wrong here. […] Chuckles are hidden behind lace handkerchiefs. You are doing yourself no favours here.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Tower of Eyes: Behind Closed Doors at a Handsome Townhouse
Success description
  • […] A few eyebrows are raised at your sartorial choices. You see reporters from the fashionable magazines taking notes. Two people stop and ask where your hat came from. It feels good to be the focus of attention. […]
  • This is the sort of area where a person of distinction may see and be seen. Are we displaying the latest fashions? Are we elegantly accessorised?
  • From: [[]] This is the sort of area where a person of distinction may see and be seen. Are we displaying the latest fashions? Are we elegantly accessorised? [Find the rest of the story at ]