  • Give her a hand
  • From: [[]] You know a garret window she might squeeze through. Help her out and you'll have another friend in the Flit. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Easy as pie
Failure title
  • A weighty matter
  • 69
Failure description
  • Oh dear — perhaps she’s a few pounds heavier than you thought. Or the window is smaller. Whichever the case, you’d best make yourself scarce, as a pair of legs flailing from the roof tiles is sure to draw attention…
From Card/Storylet title
  • A squire of the Flit
Success description
  • Quick as a wink, she’s up the gutter and in […] You stroll around the front. You admire the façade and discuss the mushroom-beds with the under-gardener. […] Later, you meet up with the grateful urchin for a cut of the take.
  • You know a garret window she might squeeze through. Help her out and you'll have another friend in the Flit.
Success summary
  • You give the urchin a hand and your accomplice gives you a cut of the take.
  • From: [[]] You know a garret window she might squeeze through. Help her out and you'll have another friend in the Flit. [Find the rest of the story at ]