  • The Winds of Death
  • Only at night is the city of Kanagawa truly alive. It is one of the largest metropolises in Fire Country largely due to the booming success of many of its premier businesses. Dazzling lights illuminate the sky and the cacophony of voices echoes through the densely populated streets. Never was there a better time for murder. Deep within the residential district lie the ruins of a once luxurious mansion, the acrid stench of death and decay hung in the air like a specter. Bodies littered the scorched ground, and blood stained the scattered debris. It was a war-zone. The clash of steel was deafening as two shadows danced to the song of death. Their audience a single man cowering in fright as his very life hung in the balance; the only question was who would be the first to kill him.
  • Only at night is the city of Kanagawa truly alive. It is one of the largest metropolises in Fire Country largely due to the booming success of many of its premier businesses. Dazzling lights illuminate the sky and the cacophony of voices echoes through the densely populated streets. Never was there a better time for murder. Deep within the residential district lie the ruins of a once luxurious mansion, the acrid stench of death and decay hung in the air like a specter. Bodies littered the scorched ground, and blood stained the scattered debris. It was a war-zone. The clash of steel was deafening as two shadows danced to the song of death. Their audience a single man cowering in fright as his very life hung in the balance; the only question was who would be the first to kill him. A man with crimson hair and a jagged blade crashes onto the ground slamming his blade into the ground slowing his momentum as howling winds roar above him. His adversary a haunting beauty lands with unearthly grace as she regards him cooly with piercing eyes. An uncomfortable silence settles in the air, as both shinobi stare the other down. It is a welcome lull in their battle one which Kawakami is thankful for. He had not expected his opponent to be the Shikaze, commander of Konoha's ANBU division. Already he could see the political mind game being played, and couldn't help but be impressed by the Daimyo's play. The message to Konoha was clear, by hiring him the Daimyo had shown his displeasure and if they wanted to maintain a monopoly on their contracts they would need to prove themselves worthy. He did not envy their position. Sending the Shikaze was proof of their desperation. "Your reputation precedes you, Death's Breeze, had I been any other I might have perished." he said. Standing up he brushes the dust off his clothes non-chalantly, looking more confident than at any time during their fight. "But in your haste, our battle has escalated the explosions have likely alerted the city authorities by now. They're probably on their way as we speak. You have failed your mission. Accept that and retreat, and I won't have to cripple Konoha anymore than necessary." The threat while subtle was clear. Flee or face death. A shadow of a woman stood in front of the Uzumaki. She was obscured in shadows, as only her mouth was visible. Pant...pant. The woman panted as she was fatigued from the chase of her mission. Her face was completely obscured in shadows leaving only her mouth and parts of her torso and legs, but her eyes where consumed in the darkness of the shadows, making her face unclear as she was standing under a rather shaded part of the room, the one that was completely wrecked from the assault. She took a deep breath as she stopped panting in exhaustion "So you actually recognized me from my moves, I didn't expect much people have knowledge about me, but it seems my fame was spread beyond my realization." she said as the stormy weather emitted a lightning bolt, which dropped near their location, revealing her face for an instant. She had a mask on, her mouth was the only part that was not covered by the mask. The mask had the shape of a feline sort of creature. She then stepped out of the shadows, wearing her official ANBU uniform, which was pitch black, she had a sword in her hand, which had blood stains on it. Fūrin was standing face to face with the crimson haired man.They were eyeing each other. "He's right, this situation is not in my favor. If the citizens find out that a Konoha shinobi exterminated a well-known man in the land of fire, it would result in an outrage on Konoha. On the other hand, if I let him finish of this guy, Konoha would lose the Daimyō's trust. Damn it, what should I do." she thought to herself as her jaw tensioned. She then tried to maintain her calmness and switched it to a smirk, a smirk that signified her superiority. She was known to always have a smirk on her face. "Well then, if they are on their way, I better finish my job here. Now, tell me your name, I would very much like to know." she told the man as she held her sword tightly. The rain dropping from the sky started to washout the blood stains on the wall as the roof was destroyed allowing all of this water in the building. He raises an eyebrow curiously. "Awfully talkative for someone whose running out of time. I'm more surprised you haven't figured it out yet. Regardless I won't tell you who I am just because you're too dimwitted to piece it together." The sound of grinding stone and metal tears through the air as he rips his blade from the earth, hefting the enormous sword over his shoulder with a practiced ease while giving the kuniochi a steely look. "You get one warning. Then I'll destroy you." Raising his left hand into ram seal, his chakra spikes and a pulse of raw power radiates out, so intense is it that the chakra is actually visible. To either side of him the raging flames flickering across the mansion slither like snakes towards him before coiling next to him reshaping themselves into perfect replications, their hand's poised in different hand seals. "Leave. Now. Or prepare to face the might of the last Senju." "Sadly, he's correct. I can't come out victorious from this one. From what I'm seeing, I have two options. Firstly, I can execute this man and get the Daimyō's trust. However, then I will get the people to despise Konohagakure as I'm certain the word will circulate around the land of fire. This "Last Senju" will make sure of it. On the contrary, if I allow him to kill the man, Konohagakure will lose the trust of the Daimyō, which is no option. I do have to say though, I quite like his intimidations, flashy to say the least." She thought as she stood directly in front of the Senju. She was using the "Cloak of The Ruthless Assassin" in this mission as she thought it would be the most suited for an ANBU assassination mission. The sky rained quite heavily. The rain soaked the entire building as the storm was quite huge. The building itself was a wreck. The wood was broken as well as the walls. The smell of ash roamed the place after its destruction. The sound of lightning echoed in the place as the two shinobi stood face to face with each other. Fūrin looked up in the sky that seemed like it was crying. She then took a deep breath as she returned her sight towards the Senju once more. "Listen here, you who claims to be a Senju. I know the odds aren't in my favor. Nonetheless, there is a solution for this dispute." she said as she let a slight smirk, one that was enough to intimidate a wild bear. She looked at him with "dead" eyes. Ones that fumed with demise and blood thirst. It was felt in the atmosphere, her killing intent. She waited a couple of seconds before continuing the statement as she said "I can just annihilate both of you." as these words left her mouth, it was enough to terrify the strongest of shinobi as she was using the "Cloak of The Ruthless Assassin" meaning that she has the ability to plant fright in the hearts of shinobi just by her look and words. She was very good at it, she excelled in that as she managed to plant fear in anyone she met with just simple and concise words that hold many meanings inside. Was that the case with the Uzumaki? "Can't you smell it? the scent of death and demise is in this place. Look at this place well as you won't come out of here in once piece, I'll make sure of it." she said so as her smirk faded away. Fūrin wanted a way of intimidation. Her chakra would be satisfactory. She release some of her chakra, this caused air currents to blow with greats speed and force, just from the feel of her chakra. Air currents that had brunt force enough to break some more of the walls. Her chakra could be felt in the air, it was even higher than Kage caliber as she created very strong currents that some flew directly towards Kawakami. The man that was suppose to be the target got blown away by the currents and hit his head, which caused him to lose consciousness. The floor was crushed from the feel of her chakra and the stone walls were damaged. Her chakra could even match that of the first Hokage. "So what's your decision ... choose carefully." she said with a tone that hinted her sick intentions. This displays how good she can use her Cloaks. Fear at its base is just information. It is information that tells the mind when the body is peril, when there is something that could be potentially dangerous or harming to its existence. But fear and Kawakami have a long history, after-all it has been his constant companion since he was a child. Living a life on the run from Kirigakure's Hunter Nin Division, comprised of some of the worst monsters in all of the elemental nations, fear is something that Kawakami very well. That is why the fear he feels now is almost welcome. He had gained so much power, so much strength that it was rare for him to ever feel fear. This was good. Pride was the sin of any ninja, it crippled them, made them weak and open to attack. So when her chakra laced fear inducing killing intent washed over him, he didn't cower. When he felt it tear into his heart and try to rip open his mind, he welcomed it. Fear was powerful, and with it, one can learn to accomplish amazing things when motivated by fear. A smile wormed its way on his features as she spoke of death, and the certainty in which she believed in her victory. So she believed him paralyzed by fear? That her own anguish would overpower his senses and send him cowering for mercy? He inclines his head forward towards the kunoichi. "A ruthless killer offering her supposed victims mercy?" He scoffs shaking his head. "You are a pretender playing at being a ninja. You're a pawn in this game being played by those more intelligent and far more dangerous than you. And you claim to do this for the sake of the village?" He roars with laughter. "Far more is at stake then the petty ambitions of a single country and you don't even realize it." Only now could he understand the Daimyo's fears about the Hidden Villages, perhaps that's why he had been propositioned in the first place.