  • Fatal
  • Fatal
  • Fatal, THE Pk Guild
  • Fatal m. (f. Fatale, m. plural Fatals, f. plural Fatales) 1. * fatal
  • Fatal is the owned of StunT EvolutioN, also known as FeaR.
  • "Fatal" is the twenty-second episode of Season Nine of Criminal Minds.
  • right|thumb|Обложка второй редакции F.A.T.A.L. — система для ролевой игры за авторством Байрона Холла, вышедшая в 2002 году (после была выпущена вторая редакция, исправленная и лучше иллюстрированная). Известна в первую очередь как один из основных кандидатов на роль худшей ролевой игры в истории. В отличие от RaHoWa правила F.A.T.A.L. действительно формально пригодны для игры, как в случае первой, так и второй редакции. Стоит отметить, что названия редакций различны — первое F.A.T.A.L. является аббревиатурой «Fantasy Adventures to Adult Lechery», то есть «Развратные фэнтезийные приключения», второе (отчасти из-за реакции на первую редакцию) «From Another Time, Another Land», то бишь «В иную эпоху в далёкой стране» или «Где-то там, далеко». На англоязычных форумах F.A.T.A.L. часто упоминае
  • Joelle Gaspardo, AKA Fatal, was born in Nice in France, the daughter of scientists Pierre and Marie Gaspardo. When she was ten, her father accidently mixed the wrong chemicals, causing an explosion that levelled the house, killing him and his wife and permanently blinding Joelle. Joelle was given over to an orphanage. Blind, she was bullied by her fellow orphans and sexually abused by the male caretakers. Her life was a living hell. She slowly began to learn to utilize her other senses in lieu of her vision, enabling her to find her way by means of hearing and feeling.
  • A long-furred gray she-cat sat in her den, bright blue eyes clouded. Above her, the stars and moon shine brightly, the way they always had, but everything else had changed. Another gray she-cat, strikingly similar to the first, padded into the den slowly, cautiously. The first gray cat looked up. "Graybreeze? What do you want?" The second cat - Graybreeze - sat, eyes downcast. "Lilypaw will be fine, Aquastar," Graybreeze whispered quietly, looking at the leader with huge blue eyes. Aquastar sagged. "No, she won't. If she dies, I'll never forgive myself for lying to her."
  • 9
  • 22
  • "What Happens in Mecklinburg"
  • White
  • Black
  • Fatal
  • 2014-04-30
  • Long
  • 93.0
  • Femme Fatale
  • 188.0
  • Secret
  • French
  • Nice, France
  • Super Being
  • Female
  • Joelle Gaspardo
  • "Angels"
  • Fatal, THE Pk Guild
  • Fatal m. (f. Fatale, m. plural Fatals, f. plural Fatales) 1. * fatal
  • Joelle Gaspardo, AKA Fatal, was born in Nice in France, the daughter of scientists Pierre and Marie Gaspardo. When she was ten, her father accidently mixed the wrong chemicals, causing an explosion that levelled the house, killing him and his wife and permanently blinding Joelle. Joelle was given over to an orphanage. Blind, she was bullied by her fellow orphans and sexually abused by the male caretakers. Her life was a living hell. She slowly began to learn to utilize her other senses in lieu of her vision, enabling her to find her way by means of hearing and feeling. At the age of 17, during another episode of sexual abuse, her latent powers awoke. Suddenly granted extraordinary strength and batlike sonar powers, she killed her abuser. Then she swept through the orphanage, hurting or killing anyone that got in her way. After escaping the orphanage - leaving 17 dead and more than 30 wounded behind - she hid onboard a ship heading for New York. Once there, she was discovered and recruited by Tarantula...
  • Fatal is the owned of StunT EvolutioN, also known as FeaR.
  • right|thumb|Обложка второй редакции F.A.T.A.L. — система для ролевой игры за авторством Байрона Холла, вышедшая в 2002 году (после была выпущена вторая редакция, исправленная и лучше иллюстрированная). Известна в первую очередь как один из основных кандидатов на роль худшей ролевой игры в истории. В отличие от RaHoWa правила F.A.T.A.L. действительно формально пригодны для игры, как в случае первой, так и второй редакции. Стоит отметить, что названия редакций различны — первое F.A.T.A.L. является аббревиатурой «Fantasy Adventures to Adult Lechery», то есть «Развратные фэнтезийные приключения», второе (отчасти из-за реакции на первую редакцию) «From Another Time, Another Land», то бишь «В иную эпоху в далёкой стране» или «Где-то там, далеко». На англоязычных форумах F.A.T.A.L. часто упоминается как «Game That Must Not Be Named», то есть «Игра-которую-нельзя-называть» (отчасти из-за не вполне адекватной реакции автора на критику своего творения, отчасти из-за шуток в известном обзоре системы на RPGnet, где систему назвали «Некрономиконом от ролевых игр» и многократно упоминали, что во имя собственного психического здоровья такие вещи не стоит не только читать, но даже думать о них). Издателем F.A.T.A.L. выступали созданные Холлом Fatal Games, ныне обанкротившиеся. Стоит заметить, что формально F.A.T.A.L. — общее название для двух редакций продукта, в то время как система называется Mean System (впрочем, нигде более она не используется, потому обычно названия употребляют как синонимы).
  • A long-furred gray she-cat sat in her den, bright blue eyes clouded. Above her, the stars and moon shine brightly, the way they always had, but everything else had changed. Another gray she-cat, strikingly similar to the first, padded into the den slowly, cautiously. The first gray cat looked up. "Graybreeze? What do you want?" The second cat - Graybreeze - sat, eyes downcast. "Lilypaw will be fine, Aquastar," Graybreeze whispered quietly, looking at the leader with huge blue eyes. Aquastar sagged. "No, she won't. If she dies, I'll never forgive myself for lying to her." "You didn't lie to her!" Graybreeze protested. "All you ever did is love her like a mother, as did I. Instead of denying you when you asked me to raise Lilypaw as my own, I realized how much you thought of her as a mistake, and I brought her in. But Lilypaw is not a mistake, and I think you've learned that. But Lilypaw only ever thought of you as a leader, not her mother. I am her mother, and she knows that. You never lied, just never rather told her the truth." Aquastar bristled, claws unsheathing. "I never should have given her up to you! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been miserable looking at her every day, knowing that I gave up my own daughter because I was afraid of raising her!" Graybreeze flinched away from her snarling sister and sighed, standing, ready to leave. She glanced over her shoulder at the miserable gray-furred leader. "Lilypaw is going to be fine. I may believe she's my daughter, but she's got your blood, not mine. She's a fighter, just like her mother." Graybreeze left, leaving Aquastar staring after her in surprise.
  • "Fatal" is the twenty-second episode of Season Nine of Criminal Minds.
is Successor of
is Predecessor of