  • Great Kaminoan Weather Controller
  • The Great Kaminoan Weather Controller was a Kaminoan version of God. He commonly talked with God. He was a Kaminoan God. He flooded the planet in the Great 20 Second Flood, causing the Kaminoans to mutate into Aiwahs and build stilt like platforms to live on, unlike God. He was God (to the Kaminoans). He is God? What do you think?
  • The Great Kaminoan Weather Controller was a Kaminoan version of God. He commonly talked with God. He was a Kaminoan God. He flooded the planet in the Great 20 Second Flood, causing the Kaminoans to mutate into Aiwahs and build stilt like platforms to live on, unlike God. He was God (to the Kaminoans). He is God? What do you think?