  • The Elder Scrolls Wiki:Blog policy
  • Our standard community guidelines dictate that inter-user communication must be civil, despite disagreements, dislikes, and the vast array of opinions that color our community. This goes without saying. The golden-rule, axiom of axioms, "Be kind to your neighbor" applies here. Despite the almost ritualistic circulation of this phrase when bullying arises, it needs to be mentioned again here. Several instances of negative user interactions have caused multiple blocks and unwanted headaches. Simply put, if bloggers cannot treat others with respect, they need not comment. Opinions on The Elder Scrolls Wiki are encouraged, but focus those opinions on the comments, rather than the commenter. For example, saying someone is "stupid" for liking the Thalmor is unacceptable, but the notion may be re
  • Our standard community guidelines dictate that inter-user communication must be civil, despite disagreements, dislikes, and the vast array of opinions that color our community. This goes without saying. The golden-rule, axiom of axioms, "Be kind to your neighbor" applies here. Despite the almost ritualistic circulation of this phrase when bullying arises, it needs to be mentioned again here. Several instances of negative user interactions have caused multiple blocks and unwanted headaches. Simply put, if bloggers cannot treat others with respect, they need not comment. Opinions on The Elder Scrolls Wiki are encouraged, but focus those opinions on the comments, rather than the commenter. For example, saying someone is "stupid" for liking the Thalmor is unacceptable, but the notion may be refuted and rebuttal given, on the assertion that liking the Thalmor is unwise. No user should feel estranged by the wiki or even threatened by its users. We strive to offer a safe and fun environment where fans of The Elder Scrolls series can share their opinions and views. To keep this environment sterile and free of intimidation and harassment. Before reporting users for abuse of the blogs or blog comments