  • Riven
  • Riven
  • Riven
  • Riven
  • Riven
  • __TOC__
  • Riven is the fifth Age created by Gehn. He considered it to be his first stable age, but like all of his other Ages, it eventually began to deteriorate as a result of Gehn's poor grasp of the Art. This age was the home of Catherine.
  • Riven este un specialist rebel şi încăpăţânat care studiază pe Fântână Roşie şi iubită sa a fost Musa.
  • Riven is the stubborn maverick of the Specialists and is Musa's former love interest.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__RivenKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Riven, Exilée Brisée est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • The Borderswords were an early target of Hunn Raal's conspiracy to place Vatha Urusander on the throne of Kharkanas. Members of Urusander's Legion disguised themselves as Houseblades of Dracons Hold and massacred the village at Riven Keep while most Borderswords were away hunting.
  • Riven is captain of the crew Torn and prince of The Black Sheep. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Riven puts up a cold front, and has trouble expressing his emotions, as they scare him. He grew up alone, so he lives for himself according to his own rules. Riven distrusts females, because his mother abandoned him at birth, and is considered a chauvinist. He is very competitive. He wields a scimitar-styled purple phantoblade and a meteor hammer attached to a sai. He is also good at all kinds of sports. Some characters see him as a daredevil, clever and touchy.
  • __INDEX__ Riven ist ein sehr begabter Schüler der Roten Fontäne. Er führt eine angespannte Rivalität zu Sky, aber im Gegensatz zu diesem ist er selbstsüchtig, arrogant und unbeliebt; außerdem ein Einzelgänger und sehr aggressiv. Musa verliebt sich in Riven, will das aber nicht zugeben, weil Riven sich überheblich und unhöflich ihr gegenüber benimmt. Er fängt an, mit Darcy auszugehen, durchschaut dann aber deren hinterhältige Absichten und wird von den Trix im Wolkenturm eingesperrt. Er kann sich aber befreien und schließt sich den anderen Spezialisten und den Winx wieder an. Nachdem Musa von dem Spezialisten Jared angehimmelt wurde, der sehr gut aussieht und viel netter ist als Riven, bemerkt er, dass er eifersüchtig ist. Musa und er kommen schließlich zusammen, aber es ist ein ewiges Hin
  • In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Riven became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad - perfectly suite
  • As a "reward" for his ingenious puzzle-solving, Atrus condemns the Stranger to inhabit the Dunny (toilet) and Atrus's cantankerous bunch of polygon farms. The Stranger is bored of all these places he's visited before, but more importantly he quickly finds the farms devoid of any food or fresh water. The Stranger, panting from hunger, thirst and indolence, eventually crawls back to Atrus and agrees to enter a dying age, with orders to trap yet another member of Atrus' wonderful family. This time the target is his father, Gehn. 6DDsARMTdAg
  • 1
Row 8 info
  • Połamane Skrzydła to automatycznie celowana umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Runiczne Ostrze to efekt przy trafieniu.
  • Wybuch Ki to umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Ostrze Wygnańca to pół-ulepszenie. Cięcie Wiatru to liniowa, penetrująca umiejętność mierzona.
  • Waleczność to pół-ulepszenie będące tarczą i ślizgiem.
Row 4 info
  • Sirius
  • 1.630000
  • Bernstein
Row 7 title
  • Prima apariţie
  • Riven
  • Geschichten und Bilder
  • Riven
  • Ostrze Wygnańca
  • Połamane Skrzydła
  • Runiczne Ostrze
  • Waleczność
  • Wybuch Ki
Efekty czarów
  • Nie
  • Obszarowe
Row 1 info
  • Michael Sinterniklaas
  • Mirko Mazzanti , Emiliano Coltori
  • Mitchell Rothpan
  • Sam Riegel
  • Riven
Row 8 title
  • Relaţii
  • primary
  • secondary
  • tertiary
  • type
Row 4 title
  • Origine
  • Riven
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Runiczne Ostrze nie zużywa aktywnych ładunków, gdy atak nie trafi. * Licznik ładunków Runicznego Ostrza odświeża się, gdy Riven zyskuje lub zużywa ładunek.
  • * Cięcie Wiatru można użyć po 1 sekundzie od aktywacji .
  • * Połamane Skrzydła używają systemu wielokrotnego użycia bez żadnych kosztu. :* W przeciwieństwie do tego typu umiejętności bohaterów, czas odnowy Połamanych Skrzydeł rozpoczyna się po pierwszej, a nie ostatniej aktywacji. :* Połamane Skrzydła można rzucić 3 razy za darmo w czasie 4 sekund. Każda aktywacja aktywuje takie efekty jak , . * Połamane Skrzydła resetują licznik ataków podstawowych Riven. * Jedynie 3 atak Połamanych Skrzydeł może ominąć przeszkody.
  • * Waleczność nie pozwala ominąć naturalnych przeszkód, ale pozwala ominąć przeszkody stworzone przez graczy za pomocą umiejętności bohaterów typu: i . * Waleczność nie może zostać użyty, gdy Riven jest unieruchomiona.
  • 13
  • sek.
  • : Riven doskakuje w kierunku kursora i otrzymuje tarczę absorbującą obrażenia na 1.5 sekundy. 325
  • : Riven emituje z miecza mroczną energię, zadając obrażenia fizyczne i ogłuszając na 0.75 sekundy wszystkie wrogie cele w pobliżu. 250
  • Umiejętności Riven ładują jej ostrze na 5 sekund, powodując, że jej następny atak podstawowy zada dodatkowe obrażenia fizyczne równe . Runiczne Ostrze ładuje się do 3 razy i zużywa 1 ładunek na atak.
  • : Riven robi krok do przodu i atakuje mieczem wszystkich wrogów w zasięgu. Połamane Skrzydła mogą być ponownie dwukrotnie aktywowana ciągu 4 sekund.
  • Wszystkie trzy ataki zadają takie same obrażenia, a trzeci dodatkowo podrzuca trafione cele. Gdy kursor znajduje się nad wrogim bohaterem, Riven zaatakuje w kierunku celu. W przeciwnym wypadku zaatakuje w stronę, w którą jest zwrócona. 260 225 300
  • : Na 15 sekund miecz Riven odzyskuje swoją pierwotną formę, zwiększając zasięg podstawowych ataków Riven o jednostek. Dodatkowo średnica obszaru działania zostanie zwiększona o jednostek, a o jednostek. Podczas trwania Ostrza Wygnańca Riven może użyć 1 raz za darmo .
Row 2 info
  • 16
Row 6 info
  • A lupta cu o spadă violetă
Row 1 title
  • Dublată de
Row 5 info
  • Riven
Row 2 title
  • Vârstă
  • Riven
  • Riven/Geschichten
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
  • Wręcz
Row 6 title
  • Abilităţi de luptă
  • Tak
  • Schwarz mit weißen Strähnen
  • Neutral
  • Fizyczne
  • no
  • 13
Row 5 title
  • Afilieri
  • Riven
Row 3 info
  • 15
  • Darmowa
Row 3 title
  • Zi de naştere
  • 60
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • blokują pojedynczy atak.
  • Keine
Row 7 info
  • File:No Screenshot.png
  • 260
  • 275
  • 325
  • Riven
  • 16
  • Riven
  • name
  • Tall trees, grass, flowers, forming tropical jungles
  • no
  • Sam Riegel
  • Ytram, Wahrks, Sunners, Beetles, several species of fish.
  • Cobalt
  • Heldenmut
  • Gebrochene Schwingen
  • Ki-Schwall
  • Riven
  • Island
  • yes
  • Yes
  • Emiliano Coltori
  • Mirko Mazzanti
  • Riven
  • Musa and Darcy
  • 300
  • Temple island.jpg
  • Riven_Gebrochene Schwingen.png
  • Riven_Heldenmut.png
  • Riven_Ki-Schwall.png
  • Specialist
  • Riven führt eine Reihe kräftiger Schläge aus. Diese Fähigkeit kann in kurzer Zeit dreimal aktiviert werden, wobei der dritte Schlag nahe Gegner hochstößt und unwegsames Gebiet überwinden kann.
  • Riven stürmt kurz in die Richtung des Mauszeigers und fängt erlittenen Schaden ab. Das Schild bleibt Sekunden bestehen, sofern es nicht zerstört wurde.
  • Riven entfesselt einen Ki-Schwall, der nahe Gegner schädigt und sie für Sekunden betäubt.
  • --10-15
  • Riven EVideo.ogv
  • Riven QVideo.ogv
  • Riven RVideo.ogv
  • Riven WVideo.ogv
  • Von den wüsten Ebenen
  • Male
  • Ein Runenmuster, welches ihren Rücken bedeckt
  • Riven-Wiki.png
  • trinket
  • primary
  • secondary
Winx Club
  • Michael Sinterniklaas
  • Steve Staley
  • Mitchell Rothpan
  • Tak
  • Nie
Trafienie krytyczne
  • Nie
  • __TOC__
  • As a "reward" for his ingenious puzzle-solving, Atrus condemns the Stranger to inhabit the Dunny (toilet) and Atrus's cantankerous bunch of polygon farms. The Stranger is bored of all these places he's visited before, but more importantly he quickly finds the farms devoid of any food or fresh water. The Stranger, panting from hunger, thirst and indolence, eventually crawls back to Atrus and agrees to enter a dying age, with orders to trap yet another member of Atrus' wonderful family. This time the target is his father, Gehn. Anyway, Riven (Gehn's 69th age, named for his fondness for sex with the natives that inhabit it) is collapsing due to grave omissions in the package math that constructs the age's space-time continuum, basic dynamic forces, naturality, and … oh, I can't keep this up. Suffice it to say, the flaws in the age were probably due to Gehn's preoccupation with its women. In addition, Gehn rules the age with an iron fist and feeds dissenters to his pet Pizzly. The point is that the Stranger must wander around an island paradise of large daggers, eclectic mass transit systems, and the usual Mysterious stuff; the rest is kind of a blur. All the locals run from the player due to his bad smell. Most of the machines have no actual use, including a combination bubble blower and pinpression desk toy. The results of Gehn's favorite hobby, book burning, are everywhere. Gehn also loves to sing opera. 6DDsARMTdAg
  • __INDEX__ Riven ist ein sehr begabter Schüler der Roten Fontäne. Er führt eine angespannte Rivalität zu Sky, aber im Gegensatz zu diesem ist er selbstsüchtig, arrogant und unbeliebt; außerdem ein Einzelgänger und sehr aggressiv. Musa verliebt sich in Riven, will das aber nicht zugeben, weil Riven sich überheblich und unhöflich ihr gegenüber benimmt. Er fängt an, mit Darcy auszugehen, durchschaut dann aber deren hinterhältige Absichten und wird von den Trix im Wolkenturm eingesperrt. Er kann sich aber befreien und schließt sich den anderen Spezialisten und den Winx wieder an. Nachdem Musa von dem Spezialisten Jared angehimmelt wurde, der sehr gut aussieht und viel netter ist als Riven, bemerkt er, dass er eifersüchtig ist. Musa und er kommen schließlich zusammen, aber es ist ein ewiges Hin und Her mit ihnen, und in der 4. Staffel hat Musa das Theater mit ihm endgültig satt: Aufgrund seines rücksichtslosen und besitzergreifenden Verhaltens macht sie mit ihm Schluss. Riven versucht, feinfühliger zu werden, was ihm mit Hilfe von Nabu, Timmi und Helia auch gelingt. Er schafft es, Musa zurückzuerobern. Kategorie:Charaktere (Winx Club)
  • Riven is the fifth Age created by Gehn. He considered it to be his first stable age, but like all of his other Ages, it eventually began to deteriorate as a result of Gehn's poor grasp of the Art. This age was the home of Catherine.
  • Riven este un specialist rebel şi încăpăţânat care studiază pe Fântână Roşie şi iubită sa a fost Musa.
  • Riven puts up a cold front, and has trouble expressing his emotions, as they scare him. He grew up alone, so he lives for himself according to his own rules. Riven distrusts females, because his mother abandoned him at birth, and is considered a chauvinist. He is very competitive. He wields a scimitar-styled purple phantoblade and a meteor hammer attached to a sai. He is also good at all kinds of sports. Some characters see him as a daredevil, clever and touchy. Riven is shown as having an interest in, and being the love interest of, Musa all through the first and second seasons. He admits he likes her at the end of the first season, but they do not become a couple until the end of the second season. In season three, Musa considers breaking up with him. Later on during the mission to the Red Tower, Riven gets into a fight with Nabu because he mistakenly believed that Nabu was trying to steal Musa from him. The misunderstanding was soon cleared up, and Musa decided to stay with Riven seeing that he did care about her. Riven and Nabu also became good friends after this misunderstanding was cleared up. In the film, Riven is the maverick again, and is hypnotized by Mandragora's spy bug, but at the end he's returned to normal.
  • Riven is the stubborn maverick of the Specialists and is Musa's former love interest.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__RivenKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Riven, Exilée Brisée est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • The Borderswords were an early target of Hunn Raal's conspiracy to place Vatha Urusander on the throne of Kharkanas. Members of Urusander's Legion disguised themselves as Houseblades of Dracons Hold and massacred the village at Riven Keep while most Borderswords were away hunting.
  • Riven is captain of the crew Torn and prince of The Black Sheep. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Riven became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad - perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, she was deployed to Ionia as part of the Noxian invasion. What began as war quickly became extermination. Noxian soldiers followed the terrifying Zaunite war machines across fields of death. It wasn't the glorious combat for which Riven trained. She carried out the orders of her superiors, terminating the remnants of a beaten and fractured enemy with extreme prejudice. As the invasion continued, it became clear that the Ionian society would not be reformed, merely eliminated. During one bitter engagement, Riven's unit became surrounded by Ionian forces. They called for support as the enemy closed in around them. What they received instead was a barrage of biochemical terror launched by Singed. Riven watched as around her Ionian and Noxian alike fell victim to an unspeakably gruesome fate. She managed to escape the bombardment, though she could not erase the memory. Counted dead by Noxus, she saw an opportunity to start anew. She shattered her sword, severing ties with the past, and wandered in self-imposed exile - on a quest to seek atonement and a way to save the pure Noxian vision in which she believed.
is Row 9 info of
is Relationship of
is Captain of
is Obraz podpis of