  • Set Them In Motion
  • The moon was high in the sky, and the woods were silent. A young girl was sitting on a tree branch, seemingly waiting for someone. She sighed. "He never did learn the concept of time keeping." She muttered. "How long does it take to threaten someone?" A certain burning haired figure walked into the woods, spotting the young girl. It was time. "...It's you." Katsumi crossed his arms and scowled at the woman, forcing himself to ignore her comments. ..."What do you want, exactly?" "You and I...what?" He smiled, as if waiting for an answer. Kachihi wasn't sure what was going on, but he had to comply.
  • The moon was high in the sky, and the woods were silent. A young girl was sitting on a tree branch, seemingly waiting for someone. She sighed. "He never did learn the concept of time keeping." She muttered. "How long does it take to threaten someone?" A certain burning haired figure walked into the woods, spotting the young girl. It was time. "...It's you." "Don't take that tone with me Katsumi, what the hell took you?" The girl asked, glaring down at her partner, her red eyes glowing behind the glasses. "Seriously, you left hours ago. What did you do, stop at a bar to drink off the sorrows of the boyfriend you lost?" Katsumi's eyes sharpened, as he glared at the young woman. Never. He and that person were never involved. Ever, ever, ever. EVER. Such a comment managed to irk him greatly, as he retorted, "He was never my boyfriend! Got that?!" Yeah, sure. He was certainly fixated upon him, to say the least. "Oh come off it, Katsumi." The girl snapped, hanging upside down off her branch, almost flashing her panties, not that this man would care. "You hold, or held, more affection for him than anyone else. You can't slip anything by me, I know you too well." Katsumi crossed his arms and scowled at the woman, forcing himself to ignore her comments. ..."What do you want, exactly?" "Answers." She said, sliding down off the tree and landing on the ground. "As to what your purpose is in the first place." She pulled a picture out of her handbag. "You went to threaten this boy, yes?" She held up a picture of Kachihi. "Adorable thing really, simply darling. I said I'd help you with anything because we're friends...or whatever you consider us to be. But I am curious as to your motives here." "...Well, I haven't thought of that yet. A story needs an antagonist, right? And nobody can fufill that role better than me right now! 'Cides, I feel like being evil today. And I'm having a good day." ...It would be scary to see Katsumi Hino on a bad day. The girl placed a hand to her face. "Katsumi...why did I expect that answer? You're beating around the bush with me, but I'll deal with it for now." She sighed. "After all, I, Vie Faux, have agreed to stand by you when you need it." Her eyes flashed for a moment as a smile flicked across her face. "It's a pity your tastes in lovers are as they are, otherwise, we would be good together." "...Hmph. Whatever you say." Katsumi continued to keep his arms crossed, walking back and forth in thought. "But he was not my boyfriend. And I like women." His eyes sharpened, as he roared, "GOT THAT?!" "Sweetie, you're fooling no one." She replied. "Stop being so defensive about it, although it is cute, but it's also sad." She reached into her purse, pulling a soda out of the bag that was much to small to contain it. "So...what now?" Katsumi really was hung up on this issue. He wasn't sure what to do now. Strutting back and forth, he sat upon a rock, as if imitating a high ruler sitting upon his throne; resiminant of someone waiting for results to be produced. However, after a few moments, he fell backwards, crashing to the ground and landing upon his ass. Standing up and rubbing his rear, he uttered, "....Alright, anyone have any ideas?" "You're truly incompetent." Vie sighed, placing her fingers on his lips. "Come, we'll devise a plan. To kill this Kachihi Amagase." The morning sun crept through the blinds, letting it's warmth flow over the sleeping forms of Kachihi and Fumiko. Almost shockingly, it was Kachihi this time with his arms wrapped around Fumiko, and, stranger still, they were in the position of spooning, Fumiko wedged neatly next to Kachihi as they slept on. "...Ungh..." Kachihi growled. What the hell was he thinking? He continued to grumble as he opened his eyes, forcing his hands to stop constricting Fumiko. Another unfortunate day was about to unfold. "W-What the hell did I do...?" Fumiko turned over, yawning in a very cute manner before rubbing his eyes. He smiled, looking sort of dazed. "That was a fun night last night, wasn't it? You did it so well, I'd never known you'd never done it before. I felt so tired at the end too..." Kachihi's eyes widened in shock, as his cheeks turned a rosy red. What happened last night? "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Taking in a deep breath, he continued, "wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." He still couldn't believe what had happened. "...You...and...I...?" Fumiko smiled mischievously. Keeping the covers over the lower portions of their bodies, he moved quickly, straddling Kachihi and pinning him on his back to the bed, pressing his face close to is. "You and I...what?" He smiled, as if waiting for an answer. It was probably something else. Either it was, or Kachihi was denying what happened. No. He was sure of it. "...Wait, it was a massage or something, right? I gave you a massage?" Fumiko smirked, pressing his lips to Kachihi's, giving him a long-drawn out kiss, before removing his mouth from his. "That's your prize for guessing correctly." He laid down completely flat on Kachihi's body, placing his head on the boy's chest. He knew Kachihi would kick him off any minute, so he wanted to enjoy it. "I love you to death, but you're slow on the uptake aren't you?" "O-Oi, you callin' me stupid...?" Kachihi growled at Fumiko. Quickly performing some sort of high-speed manuver, the Mototsu-Seishin-Shinigami hybrid leapt out of the bed, somehow clothed in his normal attire. All this did was make Fumiko even more dazed, and he sat with his legs sprawled on the bed, trying to recover for a minute. "Anyway, let's go check and see if Gai is alright. Never know what's happening." "...Dammit!" Gai couldn't stand. His legs had been paralyzed, and on top of that, Yuuki was laying down, completely flat on his lithe body, fast asleep. If only he could stand- no, it would be more painful for him if Yuuki had caught him attempting to sneak away. The doorknob turned and Fumiko poked his head in, seeing Gai and Yuuki's motionless figures. He turned behind him to whisper to Kachihi. "They're sleeping!" "...Dammit, can't you see?! She won't get off!" Gai howled at the two. He appeared as if he was in quite a jam, so to speak. "...Why does this always happen? Nobody helps me when this happens!" "Oooooh." Fumiko caught on. "Well, at least you had sex." Fumiko said, walking over to them. "All I got was a massage, albiet a hell of a good one." He placed his arms around Yuuki. "C'mon Yuuki-san, get off of Gai." He picked her up bridal-style, moving her away from Gai and setting her on the other side of the bed. "Ha...haaa..." Gai could only breathe heavily, as his senses returned. "D-Damn Yuuki..." His piercing magenta within blue eyes focused upon Fumiko, as he uttered under his breath, "...I want to kill you, kid." Of course, he had a habit of speaking aloud at times. Realizing that he had issued a death threat, he quickly retracted his words, exclaiming while waving his hands around in a rather uncharacteristically hammy manner, "No-no-no-no! I didn't mean that...Tch." Tiring of having to provide such foolish explanations, the Mototsu-Seishi hybrid stood up, walking downstairs, brushing past the two coldly. "Where are you going?" Fumiko asked, jumping in front of him. "You can't leave Yuuki-san without saying goodbye. Besides, we'll simply find you again if you run, Rika seemed overly happy to see you, I'm sure he'll consent to searching again." "...I'm going out. Damn nutters everywhere." Throwing his white scarf around his neck, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid began to walk away. "Define "out"." Fumiko said firmly. "I'll cut the soul in your legs Gai. You won't be able to move a bit." His eyes were hazed over again. How far was he willing to go for Yuuki? Gai's eyes widened in shock. Not another one. God-damn those crazies. They're everywhere. Everywhere. Gai Nagareboshi slowly took two steps back, sighing, applying his palm to his forehead in exasperation. "...God-dammit. I'll stay, I'll stay. Just don't get violent." "I promise, if she gets overly violent or possessive, say the word and we'll help you." Fumiko said sincerely. "But, don't leave without letting her know. I want Yuuki-san to be happy." Gai could only feel like he was smack-dab in the middle of crazyland. "...Alright, so we sit and wait now for 'er to get up?" He sat down on a sofa, beginning to twiddle his thumbs, obviously irked as hell. "No, it's breakfast time anyway." Fumiko told him. "You and Kachihi can go wait downstairs, I'll wake her up and then be down there myself to fix up breakfast." He went to walk to Yuuki, but turned back to look at Gai. "Do you have any allergies I should know of? I nearly killed my Kachihi with some fish I prepared..." Turning to walk downstairs, Gai Nagareboshi felt embarrassed; he was threatened by children and subjugated to their wills, all for their "mother". "...No, I'm perfectly fine. I don't have any allergies...I think." "Good, then go before I wake her up and she jumps on you again." At that moment, Gai shuddered, recieving flashbacks of a certain incident. "O-Okay..." He waited for Gai and Kachihi to go downstairs, and then sat down on the bed next to his "mother". He placed a pale hand on her back, gently shaking her. "Yuuki-san, wake up, it's time to wake up." Yuuki's eyes slowly opened, as he shook his head, in a daze, exhausted. Despite not drinking, he felt as if he had a hangover. "Ungh...Where am I?" "Yuuki-san, you're in bed." Fumiko said, placing his hand over his mother's face. "It's time for breakfast, so, I'm here to wake you up." The easiest way to wake anyone up was to make them feel the cold in the morning. He gently peeled the sheet away from Yuuki's feminine body. "So, get up please." ...Goddammit. A simple 'Not what it looked like' scenario turned into a 'Oh, yeah. It happened' scenario. Yuuki Kaburagi was stark naked, much to his own embarrassment. "Oh, my...So it did happen. Now, if only I could remember every last detail..." His eyes glazed over, as Gai's pained cry of "DAMMIT!" could be heard from downstairs. Fumiko's face redenned slightly as he looked at Yuuki's naked body. He jumped up and moved to the door. " put on some clothes, Gai's down there, gotta look your best...I'll be...uh, downstairs, yeah." He vanished. Yuuki continued to scratch his head, utterly confused. Well, time for the day to start. Without hesitation, he threw on his kimono, which he wore every day of his life, mind you, and walked downstairs. Fumiko was busying himself over the stove, humming and muttering "cook well for my Kachihi" under his breath, though it was still very audible. He made cooking look like an art, spinning as he added spices to the cooking dishes and placed them back, never once adding a gram more than was necessary. He tasted the broth he was cooking. "If this broth was a person, I'd get naked and make love to it." He said, smiling as he bent over to grab something from the fridge. "Yeah, that's disgusting." Gai uttered under his breath, not paying attention to Kachihi, who was feeling rather put off by his mere presence. All Kachihi could do was stare at Gai, wanting to say something. Fumiko flipped a cut carrot at Gai's hair before continuing cooking. "Gai, has anyone ever told you to never irritate the chef while they're cooking?" He asked, turning to look at Gai. His eyes were once again hazed, but this time, his expression was menacing, his face shadowed over despite there being no source of light to cause such an effect. "You never know what could happen when the food is I right, Gai?" Dammit. There was that look again. That crazy-ass look. It could strike fear into his heart without fail. "...I'll keep quiet." For the sake of avoiding something unfortunate, Gai Nagareboshi became utterly silent. "Thank you. Why don't you two make conversation? It's so silent I could fuckin' cut it and add it to the food." He smiled sweetly now, moving back over to his work. "I promise, it will be ready and safe to eat soon." Gai turned to Kachihi, utterly confused. They could've been twins. Gai Nagareboshi was never one to be able to start up a conversation with a child- hell, he couldn't maintain a conversation with anyone, for that matter. "...So, you get any yet?" Kachihi's eyes widened, as he responded in a flustered and panicky tone, "BWHAAAAAAAAAT!?" "I wish." Fumiko said, stirring the pot. "Kachihi doesn't seem to want any yet." He huffed, puffing his cheeks. "Of course, I'm trying to change that, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable..." He walked over to Gai. "Yuuki-san actually suggested something to me." He bent over and whispered it in Gai's ear, and walked back to his pot. Gai's eyes widened, and his irises shrunk. "Wai-wai-wai-wai-wai-wai-wai-wait..." He wouldn't tolerate such an injustice, despite this boy supposedly being nothing to him. "You're serious!?" He slammed his fist down upon the table, declaring, "You try anything like that, and you'll regret it. Got that?" He didn't want anyone else to expierence what had been done unto him. Kachihi shrunk back, completely neutral to the situation. Yet, he just wanted to blurt out what he had to say to Gai. But he couldn't. Either it was shyness or lack of social skills, but he wouldn't be finding out soon. "Whoa, what's it to you anyway?" Fumiko snapped, taking the pot off the stove. "Besides, I love Kachihi too much to physically harm him like that anyway. Though Yuuki-san sure made it sound like his father enjoyed it though, it's why she suggested it. Wonder if his father is a little sick in the head to have enjoyed something like that..." Gai's eyes changed from their normal magenta within blue to a horrific slitted gold, with blood-red scelera. "You do realize, this means war...?" He almost lashed out for that instant. Though, managing to calm himself, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid's eyes became their regular colour once again, as he confidently stated, "...Nothing you say can phase me. Got that?" "Then remember..." Fumiko told him, glazed eyes boring into his. "All is fair in war. Even dinner." She placed a bowl of stew in front of him and Kachihi, his tone not showing fear of Gai. "Bon Appétit." He kissed Kachihi's forehead, before going to check on Yuuki to make sure he was coming down. This was most certainly fishy. It looked like something she-who-must-not-be-named would cook. Though the difference between her and Fumiko is that she couldn't read. He feared that if he attempted to brave this stew, then he would most surely see the lights. Of course, this caused his stomach to turn. Before anyone could react, Gai Nagareboshi had leapt out of the window, hitting the ground running, dashing down the street to the nearest store where they sold curry. Fumiko had expected this, and when Gai ran, he stepped on a red button. Immediately, vines from all manner of plant shot forward and bound his limbs, several invading his mouth to mute him, and then dragged him back into the house like something out of a horror movie. "GODDAMMIT! TENTACLES!? WHY MUST IT ALWAYS BE TENTACLES!?" Gai howled, as he was being dragged in. Yuuki saw a familiar scene, noting it with a smile, while Kachihi was at an utter loss for words. Fumiko smiled as the tentacles dragged Gai back to his chair. "Calm down, will you?" He snapped when they unwravled. "I gave you food from the same pot as Kachihi, there's nothing poisonous, now eat." All other options had dissapeared, having been thrown into the abyss. Gai felt resigned to his fate, as he picked up a spoon, still doubtful of Fumiko's words. "...Uhh, yeah..." Slowly, he began to dig in. Kachihi couldn't believe his eyes, as he merely sat still, speechless at what had happened. "...Who the heck would make something like that...?" Fumiko smiled, turning to his "mother". "Yuuki-san, will you have anything?" Yuuki focused upon Gai and Gai alone; it was as if nobody else was there but the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid. It was if his presence was a magnet; one which couldn't be resisted. "Uh...Yeah. Yeah, sure." Fumiko smiled, but, before he could place a ladle into the pot, there was a large explosion right outside. "What the fuck!?" He looked outside the window, and saw what looked like Hell's army running towards the mansion. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Gai dropped his spoon in the stew in bemusement. "...You've gotta be shittin' me." Well, breakfast was ruined. And this was the first time in a month that he had access to half-decent food. In a flash of light, Gai Nagareboshi summoned his Zanpakutō, Kōshinhōō; an exquisite broadsword the length of a surfboard with a large golden cross emblazoned on the face of the silver blade. The sword's hilt was golden with phoenix wings at on the sides, and the pommel was shaped like a small golden cross with a phoenix-wing-shaped shard, which was the Infernox Core, in the middle. The end of the cross had a red ribbon tied to it. Along the cross emblazoned on the blade, there were several interesting symbols. It had an ornately etched base, but its most unique feature was that it was been specially customized with a motorcycle-like gear shift. "...Alright, let's sort this crap out." Kachihi wasn't sure what was going on, but he had to comply. Fumiko didn't do anything. He wanted to hang back for a second. This would be the prime chance to see how Gai fought in battle. He smiled as he watched Gai jump out the window to combat the legions. Facing down the legions of dragon-like beings, light converged and amassed upon Kōshinhōō, as Gai uttered, "Shining..." The Mototsu's eyes sharpened, focusing on the beings as the golden feathers converged, before immediately hardening. "ONSLAUGHT!!" A sonic boom resounded throughout the air, as Gai released a spinning, cross-shaped blast of feathers from Kōshinhōō at his foes, which moved through the air at astounding speeds, devouring the surroundings with ease, tearing through several dozens like a hot knife through butter, which slowly began to reform. The resulting damage was enough that Fumiko knew he'd be making Gai pay quite a large bill, though he could always whore himself out to Yuuki to pay for the damages to the garden, the yard, possibly the houses of several innocent people. The smoke caused by the energy attack soon faded, however, the dragon-like beings were revealed to be in one piece, no visible damage to them at all. Each one floated there, as if waiting for something. If one Shining Onslaught failed, then spam. FOREVER. Charging a truly enormous amount of light within the blade of Kōshinhōō, Gai performed an almighty swing, while screaming, "OKU KEIZENGA!!" Swinging his blade rapidly at near light-speeds, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid unleashed an insane amount of Shining Onslaught spewing out of Kōshinhōō at a speed faster than light. Hundreds of millions of spinning, golden 'X'-shaped golden arcs shot forth, descending upon the beings with the speed and force of meteors, decimating the ground below, drawing a beautiful geometric curtain of death. The blasts eventually converged, causing an enormous explosion that obliterated a great deal of the surroundings. A vein throbbed in Fumiko's forehead. "Gai, your ass will be sore by the time you're done paying off these debts." Despite his irritating, he noticed something. None of Gai's attacks were doing anything, the creatures seemed to be immune to the damage he was causing, and, the only thing really crying in pain was Yuuki's property. A thought struck him. He jumped out the window, running out, and neatly landed on Gai's shoulder. He sat there for the splittest of seconds, and muttered to Gai. "You're going to be Yuuki's bitch for two months to pay for the property damage." Before kicking off Gai's shoulder, heading straight for one of the dragons. His nails began to glow and extended. "Neko Hasami." He slashed the nearest dragon, and immediately knew his guess was right the moment it shrieked in pain. To kill these things, you had to attack the soul. He coated his hands in reiatsu, creating a formation resembling a cat's paw. "Shrivel and die." He muttered, swinging his hand, releasing a large energy blast in a claw shaped arc, cutting down each and every dragon. Gai was left with a loss for words. He didn't know what to say, or how to react. Just like that other time, which he wasn't willing to delve into. His grip upon his blade loosened slightly, as his eyes widened, his irises shrunk, and his jaw dropped. "...Damn." A figure was watching this happen, the figure of Vie Faux. Shea adjusted her glasses as she watched her pets be slaughtered. "So...the young one protects them all..." Her red eyes wandered to Fumiko's hand, coated in reiryoku. "The power to cut the could prove interesting yourself..." She vanished on the spot, happy to have found someone to be useful. Fumiko sighed, the reiryoku vanishing from his hand. "I don't see anymore, so I guess they're gone." Gai still remained speechless. So speechless, that he missed out on the oppertunity to attempt to strike the woman with an Shining Onslaught. Fumiko walked over to Gai, looking him dead in the eye. He gave Gai the smile that should be famous now. "Two months, Gai." Gai applied his palm to his forehead in exasperation, sighing, "...Such misfortune..." "You break it, you pay for it." Fumiko replied waspishly. The garden was something he had very much enjoyed, and Gai had basically demolished it. He was growing Kachihi's favorite produce out there. He dragged Gai back into the house and threw him unceremoniously back into his chair. "Yuuki-san, good news, Gai's agreed to stay for two months." "...Tch! Agreed, my ass." Gai growled, crossing his arms and wearing a scowl upon his face. "...If I was...a less honourable person, I would ditch you this instant." He sighed, continuing, "...Alright, I'll stay. But none of that." "None of that?" Fumiko repeated. "I hope you aren't referring to the method in which I intend to have you pay, Gai." His fingernails flashed white. "I could simply injure the soul in your legs, then you honestly wouldn't have a choice in the matter. Maybe it'll teach you to watch your surroundings before swinging sword beams willy nilly." There was nothing but a series of shocking occurances today for Gai Nagareboshi. He couldn't understand how this young boy was so cruel. "...Damn you, kid. I'll get you back for this." "No it's not." Fumiko replied, turning Gai's attention to outside the window. "You damage the garden where I was goriwng vegetables and things for Kachihi, not too mention the rest of the yard and probably killed the only neighbors we had. Don't you think it's a fair price to pay?" Gai still didn't agree. Being used as a sort of 'thing' most certainly wasn't a 'fair price to pay', but he wished to not lose an argument to a child and be made a fool of, so he complied. "Thank you." Fumiko replied, whispering in his ear. "Perhaps Yuuki will get tired of it early. And if she gets to be too rough, I may consider letting you run." Gai shrunk back in fear. "...God-dammit. Goddamn you." Taking a deep breath, he continued, "...Alright, what's next?" "Well, I'm not sure." Fumiko looked outside. "Those...things, whatever they were, I'm sure someone sent them, dragons don't just attack out of nowhere." He frowned, deliberately plopping himself on Kachihi's lap. "If anyone has ideas, I'm open." Gai remained speechless, as he, for all his supposed intelligence, wasn't sure what the hell had just happened. "...Anyone else?" Kachihi shook his head, as Yuuki didn't do anything but continue to stare at him, which visibly unnerved him. Fumiko sighed. "So, we're simply supposed to wait and hope they come back to attack us?" Yuuki finally managed to snap out of his trance, answering with the truth and nothing but the truth. "...Yeppers. We have no idea what these things are, and for now, all we can do is play the waiting game." Surprisingly when he's not spacing out, he can be something resembling intelligent. "Isn't this peachy?" Fumiko sighed. "All we can do is wait." He adjusted himself on Kachihi's lap, positioning himself over the boy's crotch for his entertainment. "I'm gonna get bored..." Kachihi remained silent, as Gai became visibly irked by Fumiko doing so. He wasn't sure why, but Gai Nagareboshi gritted his teeth and almost went on a rampage. Fumiko noticed this, and frowned. "What? Are you jealous or something? Deal. Kachihi is mine." Gai crossed his arms, irritated by the young boy in front of him. "...Damn you. Make one false move and I'll throw you into the abyss. Got it?" The Mototsu-Seishin hybrid smirked, as he realized that he was recieving too much focus; he wasn't the main character anymore, dammit. Yet. This, however, did allow Gai to decide what he had to do; if he could send both Kachihi and Fumiko away or severely disable them both, then he could snag his position back without any hassle. The main character of any story had the mythical 'plot armour'- something Gai had used to great effect during his time one-hundred-and-sixty years ago. All he had to do was play the waiting game, and such a position would be his once again. Suddenly, Kachihi had interrupted Gai's train of thoughts, asking, "...Mommy...?" Fumiko's head swiveled towards Kachihi, then at Gai, then at Yuuki, then back at Kachihi. "Wait...what?!" Gai couldn't believe what he was hearing as well. "Wait...what?!" He couldn't believe what the young boy was saying. It was impossible for males to get knocked up. Yet...He always had the feeling that he did somewhere along the line. "Y-You're being serious?!" Kachihi nodded, sure of himself. "...Yes. You're my mother. And that Mitsuru Inazuma guy is the father." Gai spat out the coffee he was drinking in hysterics. "Holy crap." "How the hell do you forget that?" Fumiko asked, looking at Gai, shocked. "But...wait, hold the phone! You're his mother!? But you're a guy, Gai!" "...A crapton of anal?" It could be guessed that there could be a tract in the rectum that opens for sperm and proceeds to a womb line area in the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid's body. Normally, this would be impossible, but since Gai Nagareboshi is part Seishin, which have an odd composition and biology, it could be possible. Still, while it was bizarre as hell, it made sense. Such a response caused Yuuki's eyes to become dull husks, as all smiles vanished. Being Kachihi Amagase was woe. Fumiko slid off of Kachihi for a second, holding is head. "Oh damn it, I'm so confused. The world has stopped making sense, everything I learned in seventh grade is now gone... I don't know what to think anymore except What. The. Fuck.!" Gai scratched the back of his head. "...I'm thinkin' the same. How the hell did this happen?" Obviously, it was the result of a drunken bender, but Gai refused to believe so. Fumiko recovered easily. "Either way, Kachihi is here now." He smiled, content with that thought. "And I honestly couldn't ask for more." "...God-damn have you ever experienced giving birth? You need a crapton of whiskey afterwards." Gai muttered under his breath randomly, before quickly leaving. Fumiko frowned and turned to Yuuki. "Yuuki-san, if you're gonna keep him for two months, you now need condoms. And lots of 'em." Gai's eyes widened and his irises shrunk, as he was abolutely shocked. "...Yeah, no." Without giving anyone time to react, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid retreated to upstairs. Something resembling a perverted smile formed upon Yuuki Kaburagi's lips, as he nodded as if he were in a trance. Closure. Kachihi was still freaked out considerably. His mother...was a guy. Fumiko looked at Kachihi, and bent down to look at him on eye level. "It's...shocking isn't it? Finding out something so strange..." He placed a hand on Kachihi's face. "But, as wierd as it it, because it happened, you're here right? Again, I couldn't ask for more..." Kachihi shrinked back, thoroughly embarassed and touched by such a declaration. "Fumiko, I..." "So, while I'm sure you need some time to think this over, don't let it bother you too much sweetie." Fumiko smiled, a genuine smile, unlike the one she used to repeatedly threaten Gai earlier. "Since, unfortunately, we've got problems to deal with now..." She looked out the window again. Who had sent those dragons? Vie landed on a tree branch lightly, taking a breather. Where the hell was Katsumi? They said they'd meet here, yet he wasn't around. "Damn his chronic lateness." She thought, landing on the ground and crushing part of the tree trunk to sawdust. But, she loved him enough to wait patiently, grinding the tree to dust with each passing minute. Meanwhile, the burning haired man staggered towards his partner, obviously not fully concious. He had a stumble in his step, and the look about him wasn't completely human. "...Dammit all!" As he tripped and landed upon his face, he slowly stood to his feet, gazing up at Vie. "...Oh, it's you..." Vie sighed, moving over to Katsumi. She placed an arm around him to help support him. "Come on you idiot..." She muttered, vanishing with a strange speed technique, carrying the man a good distance to the cabin they shared. She opened the door with her free hand and placed Katsumi on the couch in the sitting room. "You look like shit you know." She said, sitting close to him. She rather enjoyed being closr to Katsumi. She made her feel, alive. "...Oi. Don't judge me, woman..." Katsumi spluttered, as he flailed about hopelessly. "...So, you sent those dragon things to attack those guys? You're more impulsive than I thought. So, what now?" "Well, it would seem Kachihi has a little boyfriend." Vie replied, chuckling. "With an interesting power no less. He can cut the soul...perhaps he will be the one to free me." "...Sure, let's go with that." Katsumi responded. "...Wait, wait, wait. You need to be freed?" He whistled. "Why did you not tell me- oh, yeah. Now, I remember. You did." "Yeah." She looked downcast for a moment. "So, anyway. Now we both have a target. You have Kachihi, and I have the darling pink-haired boy. All that's left it to decide what to do."