  • The Ben Stiller Show
  • Watershed early '90s Sketch Comedy show that produced 13 episodes (12 of which aired) on the Fox network. Originally a sequel to a show that lasted about as long on MTV a year earlier. * Dueling Movies: Played with, when Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula gets followed up with Woody Allen's Bride of Frankenstein. * Still The Eighties: Notably averted. * Unintentional Period Piece: One of the most beautiful depictions of the early 90s that survives today (see Still The Eighties above) * Why We're Bummed Communism Fell: Well, Yakoff Smirnoff is certainly bummed.
  • Watershed early '90s Sketch Comedy show that produced 13 episodes (12 of which aired) on the Fox network. Originally a sequel to a show that lasted about as long on MTV a year earlier. * Dueling Movies: Played with, when Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula gets followed up with Woody Allen's Bride of Frankenstein. * Still The Eighties: Notably averted. * Unintentional Period Piece: One of the most beautiful depictions of the early 90s that survives today (see Still The Eighties above) * Why We're Bummed Communism Fell: Well, Yakoff Smirnoff is certainly bummed.