  • Ivory
  • Ivory
  • Ivory
  • Ivory
  • Value 13 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Form ID Ivory is an alchemical ingredient found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
  • Ivory is a prefix that can appear on Jewels, providing a moderate increase to Defense.
  • Ivory was a naturally occurring substance taken from the tusks of elephants. In 2268, Spock compared the ability of the dikironium cloud creature to evade sensor scans potentially by changing its molecular structure to gold turning into lead or wood turning into ivory. (TOS: "Obsession" )
  • File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Ivory on Wookieepedia
  • Ivory was the bulk of the teeth and tusks of animals, when used as a material for art or manufacturing. The term was more commonly used to identify the material of those crafts made with the bone of elephants, which used to come from the Ivory Kingdoms. Weapons crafted from ivory ignored a Rakshasa's Carapace.
  • Ivory is a Legion soldier in Denver, in 2253.
  • Ivory is a bone.
  • Ivory is a level 7 trade good.
  • Ivory was a naturally occurring substance from Earth. Ivory grew from the faces of Elephants and similar creatures. This substance was valued for carving purposes, purported aphrodisiac qualities and, in the early 20th century, it's novelty value. Hikaru Sulu practiced ivory carving using an artificial supplement. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Ivory</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX40FEC3(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FFFFF0
  • Lisa Moretti (Los Angeles, 26 de novembro de 1961) é uma lutadora de wrestling profissional norte-americana. Mais conhecida por sua passagem pela World Wrestling Federation onde era conhecida pelo ring name Ivory. Depois de sua saída da WWE manteve-se no wrestling, lutando em circuitos independentes.
  • Ivory was a Male Rattataki crime lord and Rogun the Butcher's mentor during the Cold War. He was imprisoned on Belsavis by the Galactic Republic for selling children to the Hutts and while trying to escape Belsavis, had his life attempted on by Rogun the Butcher's best bounty hunter, Dust.
  • The tile is improved with a camp and adds 1 File:Happy.gif to connected cities. Tiles with the Ivory resource have additional File:Commerce.gif production.
  • Lisa Moretti (November 26, 1961) is an American female professional wrestler. Best known to fans as Ivory in World Wrestling Entertainment, she also wrestled as Tina Ferrari in the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and as Tina Moretti in the Powerful Women of Wrestling, the Ladies Sports Club, the American Wrestling Association and the Ladies Professional Wrestling Association.
  • Ivory is a luxury resource in many of the Civilization games.
  • Ivory, also known as dentine, was the primary substance that makes up the teeth or tusks of all mammals and some other creatures. It was carved for artistic ornaments and also many practical uses.
  • Ivory, labeled as The Introverted Bookworm was a character on Total Drama: Around the World.
  • Ivory was used to construct these following Artefacts:
  • Discovered and colonized less than twenty years ago, Ivory is only now becoming self-sufficient.
  • She looks like Hinata Hyuga, but she has green hair and eyes like Ino Yamanaka.
  • Ivory in Bauduin Butors’ Le Roman des fils du roi Constant was the sister of King Ban of Benwick and the wife of King Constantine of Britain, to whom Butors gives the name “Constant”. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae, Constantine’s wife was of noble birth and she was brought up by Archbishop Guithelin. Wace adds that she was of noble Roman stock. Butors says that Ivory was the mother of Constans (whom he calls Ivoine) and then later gave birth to the twin brothers Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther (whom he calls Pendragus and Utrius). Ivory died in giving birth to them.
  • "Ivory........the creature of one thousand faces and form, its own powers that of thousands. The creature with one thousand voices, one thousand triats and one thousand different lives lived. Ivory, God's eye the child that has shown the world at what just what god sees and what he does to punish those who have done it. Not being able to hide anything from him, god's eyes everywhere.........." —The Jester Prince
  • Ivory ist eine afrikanische Elefantenkuh, die 1982 geboren wurde und vermutlich 1984 als Culling-Waise nach Amerika in der Indianapolis - Zoo (USA) gebracht wurde, wo sie seitdem lebt. Zu dieser Kuhgruppe, die sich im Laufe der Zeit durch sechs Geburten vergrößerte, gehörten zuerst das ältere Weibchen Sophie (1968), sowie die beiden um sechs Jahre (Jahrgang 1976) älteren Kühe Tombi und Kubwa. Kubwa hat nach künstlichen Befruchtungen auch mehrere Kälber (Amali +, Kedar, Kalina) dort geboren hat.
  • Ivory started out in the World Wrestling Federation as a valet for D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry before becoming an in-ring competitor in early 1999. After defeating Debra to win her first Women's Championship, Ivory became a villainess and feuded with Tori for months, including defeating her in the first women's Hardcore Match in WWF/E history. Ivory lost the title to The Fabulous Moolah, who was 76 years of age at the time, but she would regain the title over a week later.
  • 7
  • 40
  • Black
temp companion
  • no
  • No
  • Yes
perm companion
  • no
  • 1
Hexidecimal Code
  • FFFFF0
  • 6
treinado por
  • Mando Guerrero
  • no
New Header
  • Ivory
  • K'Maria(SHIELD); K'Maria Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 33.jpg
  • Mister Spector's sidekick; Ivory .jpg
  • Wolverina's roommate; Ivory.jpg
  • no
  • Ivory
Inventory place
  • Ship Goods
  • 40
  • the tusks of elephants and other animals have been used to create jewelry and knick-knacks. The interest in ivory is one of the main reasons elephants have been an endangered species.
  • No
  • Yes
  • -
  • *Humans *Joyites *Raka Kiri
  • 12000
  • "Ivory"
Sale Price
  • 200
original upload date
  • Sep.06.2010
billed in
  • Seattle, Washington
nomes de ringue
  • Ivory
  • Lisa Moretti
  • Nina
  • Tina Ferrari
  • Tina Moretti
nome real
  • Lisa Moretti
  • -
SU weight
  • 60
Shade of
  • White
Purchase Price
  • 200
quests involved
  • * Defeat the Legion Slavers * Rescue the Legion's Slaves * Recover Daniel
  • Purchased
  • silver
  • Bone
  • 1
  • Housekeeper
  • VB
Birth Date
  • 1961-11-26
  • Lambda Lambda Lambda
  • Black
  • White
  • Lisa Moretti
  • 46
  • Yes
  • takumi
  • Black
  • 130
  • Ivory
  • Class of 2011
  • Técnica
  • 10
  • 13
  • 300
  • Tusks of ivory.
  • A landscaper working in the residential district. Partial to fast-growing, annual plants.
  • Male
  • Ivory.
  • TBA
  • Unknown Regions
  • 10
Data de Nascimento
  • 26
  • *Basic *Fedrek
  • TBA
  • Jade Sector
  • Seattle, Washington
  • 0.100000
  • 0.500000
  • 10
  • 60
  • 135.0
  • 250
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • Tundra
  • #FFE93E
Birth Place
  • 45000000
  • 2.200000
  • 165.1
  • 61.0
  • Valuables
  • {{tooltip
  • no
  • Ivory
  • Nina
  • Lisa Moretti
  • Tina Ferrari
  • Tina Moretti
  • Ivory - Icon.png
  • Imagem:Lisa Moretti.jpg
  • TBA
  • Ix System
  • Terrestrial
  • 20
  • Ivory is always in great demand because of its legendary whiteness. Smiths use the stuff when forging lethal weapons. Collectors value it just as highly. You'll have no problem selling this in Amakna.
  • White
  • #D6D6D6; color:#4D4D4D
  • General
  • Merchandise
  • Toys
  • Magazine covers
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • 165
  • Ivory.jpg
  • Old
Named after
  • physiology
  • 479
  • 1999
  • 1985-12-05
Born in
  • Inglewood, California
Local de Nascimento
  • Los Angeles, Califórnia
  • TBA
  • Pale
  • TBA
  • Unknown
  • San Juan Island
  • Breathable
  • 2006
  • Gemstone display in the Gallery of Natural Science.
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • Ivory
  • Value 13 File:GoldIcon.png Effects Form ID Ivory is an alchemical ingredient found in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
  • Ivory is a prefix that can appear on Jewels, providing a moderate increase to Defense.
  • Ivory ist eine afrikanische Elefantenkuh, die 1982 geboren wurde und vermutlich 1984 als Culling-Waise nach Amerika in der Indianapolis - Zoo (USA) gebracht wurde, wo sie seitdem lebt. Zu dieser Kuhgruppe, die sich im Laufe der Zeit durch sechs Geburten vergrößerte, gehörten zuerst das ältere Weibchen Sophie (1968), sowie die beiden um sechs Jahre (Jahrgang 1976) älteren Kühe Tombi und Kubwa. Kubwa hat nach künstlichen Befruchtungen auch mehrere Kälber (Amali +, Kedar, Kalina) dort geboren hat. Da in Indianapolis kein erwachsener Zuchtbulle gehalten wurde und wird, wurde dort Ende der 90er - Jahre mit Versuchen, artifizielle Inseminationen zu erreichen, begonnen. Kubwa hatte Anfang 2000 das erste Jungtier. Dieses junge Weibchen , das Amali genannt wurde, ist leider schon dreijährig verstorben (massive abdominale Infektion). Ivory warf etwas später im gleichen Jahr, am 02.08.2008 ein männliches Jungtier, das Ajani genannt wurde. Dieser junge Bulle lebt heute in Alabama (Birmingham) in einer Bullenhaltung. Ajani ist vom Bullen Maclean gezeugt worden, der auch heute (2015) noch am Leben ist und sich im Disney's Animal Kingdom-Zoo befindet. Ivory war bei dieser Erstgeburt ca. 18 Jahre alt. Sechs Jahre später und zwar am 31.08.2006 wurde nach einer zweiten artifiziellen Insemination, diesmal mit dem Sperma des Bullen Ali, das Kuhkalb Zahara geboren. Sie ist mit 9 Jahren heute (2015) auch schon am Beginn der Geschlechtsreife. Sechs Jahre nach Zahara, am 28.06.2012, wurde Ivorys drittes Kalb, ein Weibchen namens Nyah, geboren. Samenspender für diese Trächtigkeit war der Bulle Jack (Jackson). Obwohl Indianapolis etwas nördlicher liegt als so manche andere Afrikanerhaltung, gab es bei den Versuchen, durch künstliche Befruchtungen Geburten zu erzielen, keine fatalen Folgen wie Totgeburt, Absterben des Fötus im Mutterleib oder Tod der gebärenden Elefantin. Abgesehen vom Tod der dreijährigen Amali, gab es in Indianapolis auch gar keine Todesfälle unter den Elefanten. Diese Kombination von geringer Sterblichkeit und erfolgreichen Trächtigkeiten und Geburten spricht durchaus für die Qualität der Elefantenhaltung in Indianapolis. Sowohl Kubwa als auch Ivory haben inzwischen dreimal ein Jungtier geboren. Eine weitere Trächtigkeit von Ivory wäre vermutlich durchaus möglich. Anderenfalls wird vermutlich Zahara die Zucht in Indianapolis fortsetzen. Vermutlich ist Ajani der Vater des zweiten Kalbes der Elefantin Renee aus dem Toledo Zoo. Bei der Zeugung von Lucas wurde Sperma der beiden sehr jungen Bullen Callee und Ajani , beide in Alabama (Birmingham) lebend, gemischt verwendet. Vermutlich ist Ajani der Vater des Kalbes und Ivory dadurch sogar schon Großmutter. Andere Quellen geben als Vater dieses Jungtieres jedoch den Bullen Jack (Jackson) an. Sehr selten sind so junge Bullen schon wirklich zeugungsfähig.
  • Ivory in Bauduin Butors’ Le Roman des fils du roi Constant was the sister of King Ban of Benwick and the wife of King Constantine of Britain, to whom Butors gives the name “Constant”. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia regum Britanniae, Constantine’s wife was of noble birth and she was brought up by Archbishop Guithelin. Wace adds that she was of noble Roman stock. Butors says that Ivory was the mother of Constans (whom he calls Ivoine) and then later gave birth to the twin brothers Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther (whom he calls Pendragus and Utrius). Ivory died in giving birth to them. According to the Prose Lancelot, King Uther was born in the city of Bourges in Gaul.
  • Ivory was a naturally occurring substance taken from the tusks of elephants. In 2268, Spock compared the ability of the dikironium cloud creature to evade sensor scans potentially by changing its molecular structure to gold turning into lead or wood turning into ivory. (TOS: "Obsession" )
  • "Ivory........the creature of one thousand faces and form, its own powers that of thousands. The creature with one thousand voices, one thousand triats and one thousand different lives lived. Ivory, God's eye the child that has shown the world at what just what god sees and what he does to punish those who have done it. Not being able to hide anything from him, god's eyes everywhere.........." —The Jester Prince Ivory (アイボリー, Ivory) is an early detachment created from the powers of the Hakuri Hakuri no Mi, sixth born of The Hakuri Children., created from Demetrius's gallbladder, right eye and pieces of his fingers bones. Ivory is a member and a division commander of The Hakuri Pirates, Ivory is a spy for Demetrius. Ivory is a mysterious creature that conceals its face bandages, unknown to what gender it is. Ivory is charged with the task of keeping records, also acting as a spy for Demetrius and reporting information back to him. Ivory is also an information broker, often giving false information to others so Demetrius can use them to his advantage. Ivory is famed in the ability to transform into others and step into their lives, which is very good to find out information. Ivory is famed in able to mimic some different powers from haki skills, swordsmanship, fighting and many other powers. Often being called god’s all Seeing Eye, which is rather prefect for Ivory’s powers and holds very highly to Demetrius. Ivory with a bounty File:Bsymbol10.gif400,000,000 for such crimes as successfully impersonating such highly ranked Government Officials, Nobles and Marine Officers. While the real ones were captured and held on the Mother Hakuri. Then when finished releasing them and most times their memories erased. Also for countless Sabotages of the world Government from within, creating many miss communications between Marines and their vessels. Also kidnapping many figures to take on their lives, with these and many other crimes. Making Ivory almost impossible to capture, constantly changing forms and powers.
  • File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Ivory on Wookieepedia
  • Ivory was the bulk of the teeth and tusks of animals, when used as a material for art or manufacturing. The term was more commonly used to identify the material of those crafts made with the bone of elephants, which used to come from the Ivory Kingdoms. Weapons crafted from ivory ignored a Rakshasa's Carapace.
  • Ivory is a Legion soldier in Denver, in 2253.
  • Ivory is a bone.
  • Ivory is a level 7 trade good.
  • Ivory was a naturally occurring substance from Earth. Ivory grew from the faces of Elephants and similar creatures. This substance was valued for carving purposes, purported aphrodisiac qualities and, in the early 20th century, it's novelty value. Hikaru Sulu practiced ivory carving using an artificial supplement. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Ivory</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX40FEC3(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)
  • Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is FFFFF0
  • Lisa Moretti (Los Angeles, 26 de novembro de 1961) é uma lutadora de wrestling profissional norte-americana. Mais conhecida por sua passagem pela World Wrestling Federation onde era conhecida pelo ring name Ivory. Depois de sua saída da WWE manteve-se no wrestling, lutando em circuitos independentes.
  • Ivory was a Male Rattataki crime lord and Rogun the Butcher's mentor during the Cold War. He was imprisoned on Belsavis by the Galactic Republic for selling children to the Hutts and while trying to escape Belsavis, had his life attempted on by Rogun the Butcher's best bounty hunter, Dust.
  • The tile is improved with a camp and adds 1 File:Happy.gif to connected cities. Tiles with the Ivory resource have additional File:Commerce.gif production.
  • Lisa Moretti (November 26, 1961) is an American female professional wrestler. Best known to fans as Ivory in World Wrestling Entertainment, she also wrestled as Tina Ferrari in the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and as Tina Moretti in the Powerful Women of Wrestling, the Ladies Sports Club, the American Wrestling Association and the Ladies Professional Wrestling Association.
  • Ivory is a luxury resource in many of the Civilization games.
  • Ivory, also known as dentine, was the primary substance that makes up the teeth or tusks of all mammals and some other creatures. It was carved for artistic ornaments and also many practical uses.
  • Ivory, labeled as The Introverted Bookworm was a character on Total Drama: Around the World.
  • Ivory was used to construct these following Artefacts:
  • Ivory started out in the World Wrestling Federation as a valet for D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry before becoming an in-ring competitor in early 1999. After defeating Debra to win her first Women's Championship, Ivory became a villainess and feuded with Tori for months, including defeating her in the first women's Hardcore Match in WWF/E history. Ivory lost the title to The Fabulous Moolah, who was 76 years of age at the time, but she would regain the title over a week later. 2000 would see Ivory as the lone female member of the Right To Censor faction, due to her more conservative views. She also started dressing in more conservative gear; almost like a school marm. Ivory won her third Women's Championship as a member of RTC, but after losing the title, the faction disbanded. In 2001, the villainous Ivory defected to the WCW/ECW Alliance during the Invasion angle, and her plan was to build a women's division to rival the WWF's; taking Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson under her wing. In her role, Ivory also served as the valet for Alliance star Lance Storm. After the Alliance angle ended, Ivory appeared as a villainous trainer on Tough Enough in 2002. She would call out the show's co-winners, Linda Miles and Jackie Gayda, which led to a match between Ivory and Linda on Velocity. Ivory went on to defeat Linda after Jackie shockingly became a villainess and shoved Linda off the top rope. Ivory aligned with the evil Jackie a week later, but they were defeated by Linda and Trish Stratus. She would continue to feud with Trish sporadically for the rest of that year. Ivory's villainous role ended in early 2003. A list of Ivory's villainous traits include her arrogance, her outright viciousness, and her pleasure in intimidating other Divas.
  • Discovered and colonized less than twenty years ago, Ivory is only now becoming self-sufficient.
  • She looks like Hinata Hyuga, but she has green hair and eyes like Ino Yamanaka.
is Affiliation of
is Links of
is Siblings of
is What of
is Trainer of
is reqres of