  • Eureka Maru
  • The Eureka Maru, or simply known as the Maru, is a cargo ship that is currently owned by Beka Valentine. The ship was built and handed down to her by her father, who was a Flash addict and salvage pilot. It played an instrumental part in resurrecting the Systems Commonwealth, as it pulled out the Andromeda Ascendant from a black hole and freed its captain. The crew of the Maru later became part of the Andromeda's crew.
  • The Eureka Maru, or simply known as the Maru, is a cargo ship that is currently owned by Beka Valentine. The ship was built and handed down to her by her father, who was a Flash addict and salvage pilot. It played an instrumental part in resurrecting the Systems Commonwealth, as it pulled out the Andromeda Ascendant from a black hole and freed its captain. The crew of the Maru later became part of the Andromeda's crew.
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