  • Floral Fox
  • The Floral Fox is a webkinz that the player can get at the Ganz eStore. The Floral Fox costs $12.50, just like all of the other pets sold at the eStore. The Floral Fox is the first fox to be released, the first fox to be in the eStore and the second virtural pet, after the Grey Wolf. The Floral Fox's special item is the Fantastic Flowerbed and its special food is Seedle Delight. There is another Floral Fox, the Purple Floral Fox.
  • Floral Fox
  • No
HM Number
  • ???
  • No
  • The Floral Fox is a webkinz that the player can get at the Ganz eStore. The Floral Fox costs $12.50, just like all of the other pets sold at the eStore. The Floral Fox is the first fox to be released, the first fox to be in the eStore and the second virtural pet, after the Grey Wolf. The Floral Fox's special item is the Fantastic Flowerbed and its special food is Seedle Delight. There is another Floral Fox, the Purple Floral Fox.