  • ASP-38 Droid
  • Some time after the Declaration of a New Republic, former clone trooper X1 started to rebuild the Galactic Empire, with himself as its leader. In order to learn the secrets of the dark side, the self-proclaimed Sith Lord traveled to Vader's long lost sanctuary.
  • Some time after the Declaration of a New Republic, former clone trooper X1 started to rebuild the Galactic Empire, with himself as its leader. In order to learn the secrets of the dark side, the self-proclaimed Sith Lord traveled to Vader's long lost sanctuary. X1's brother X2, now a Jedi Knight, was sent to Vjun to stop his brother. Once he arrived, X1 had already left. X2 encountered these droids and a garrison of stormtroopers. Both were no match for the Jedi and were all slain. After retrieving Falon Grey's lightsaber and a Sith holocron, X2 escaped in a TIE Advanced x1, after his X-wing starfighter was destroyed by enemy fire.