  • UnRisk
  • UnRisk is a cunning advertising ploy produced by Parker Brothers, a division of Hasbro. It was invented before any continental shifts had occurred by the superhero, movie director and insurance guru; VoleMan. UnRisk shares bugger all characteristics with anything, yet like other games, it is simple and abstract. It makes little attempt to accurately simulate military strategy, the size of the Uncyclopedia (hence why it is played on a board), the logistics of long campaigns or real-Uncylopedic luck.
  • UnRisk is a cunning advertising ploy produced by Parker Brothers, a division of Hasbro. It was invented before any continental shifts had occurred by the superhero, movie director and insurance guru; VoleMan. UnRisk shares bugger all characteristics with anything, yet like other games, it is simple and abstract. It makes little attempt to accurately simulate military strategy, the size of the Uncyclopedia (hence why it is played on a board), the logistics of long campaigns or real-Uncylopedic luck.