  • Sell it
  • From: [[]] Between the sales permits, dock tax and scheming rivals, you won't make much money back. But at least you'll be able to get another ship. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • Gone and done
Game Instructions
  • Warning - doing this will lose your current ship, for no refunds.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Get rid of your ship
Success description
  • She's out of your hands now. She'll see another captain and you'll see a new vessel. The pain of parting will pass soon enough. Onward.
  • Between the sales permits, dock tax and scheming rivals, you won't make much money back. But at least you'll be able to get another ship.
  • From: [[]] Between the sales permits, dock tax and scheming rivals, you won't make much money back. But at least you'll be able to get another ship. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__