  • Outer-Rim
  • The Outer-Rim is the outermost area of the Galaxy. The Outer-Rim wraps around the Mid-Rim, and is surrounded by relitively empty space. The Outer-Rim is the largest area of the Galaxy in terms of area, but has the smallest planet density. The Outer-Rim is also home to the only habitable systems known to exist in the . The Outer-Rim is the section of the Galaxy that is ruled over by the . All ships that are coming or going from any of the must pass through the Outer-Rim, making all products from these galaxies very expensive. Similar to the Mid-Rim, most of the Outer-Rim worlds are colony worlds of the Core Worlds, but were settled much later, and therefore more are emerging systems rather than stabilized systems.
  • The Outer-Rim is the outermost area of the Galaxy. The Outer-Rim wraps around the Mid-Rim, and is surrounded by relitively empty space. The Outer-Rim is the largest area of the Galaxy in terms of area, but has the smallest planet density. The Outer-Rim is also home to the only habitable systems known to exist in the . The Outer-Rim is the section of the Galaxy that is ruled over by the . All ships that are coming or going from any of the must pass through the Outer-Rim, making all products from these galaxies very expensive. Similar to the Mid-Rim, most of the Outer-Rim worlds are colony worlds of the Core Worlds, but were settled much later, and therefore more are emerging systems rather than stabilized systems.