  • Bio Mask
  • The Yautija may remove his bio mask in combat if they believe their pray is worthy enough to gaze upon their true face. This can lead to a slightly fairer fight, although this can leave the predator's face vunrable to a killing blow if against a tougher opponent, such as a xenomorph. The mask is directly linked into the plasma caster and the predator's wrist gauntlet, which is what is used to control the masks many functions. Many times these masks are customized by the wearers, giving Yautja unique appearances.
  • The Yautija may remove his bio mask in combat if they believe their pray is worthy enough to gaze upon their true face. This can lead to a slightly fairer fight, although this can leave the predator's face vunrable to a killing blow if against a tougher opponent, such as a xenomorph. The mask is directly linked into the plasma caster and the predator's wrist gauntlet, which is what is used to control the masks many functions. Many times these masks are customized by the wearers, giving Yautja unique appearances.