  • Your turn today
  • From: [[]] Your name is scrawled on the blackboard in the smoke-filled back room of the station. Best mount up. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Waking the blue beast
Failure title
  • Veilgarden to Wolfstack in twenty minutes?
  • 122
Failure description
  • Someone's having a laugh. You pedal like a maniac, scattering gowned scholars and the urchins of Spite behind you. You squeal to a halt outside the Wolfstack station, five minutes late and with a burning pain in your thighs.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Messenger Duty
Success description
  • There's a riot in Veilgarden. Well, it might be a party […] Your oily iron rims strike sparks on the cobblestones […] Urchins and vagabonds slink into their alleys as the blue beast wakes.
  • Your name is scrawled on the blackboard in the smoke-filled back room of the station. Best mount up.
  • From: [[]] Your name is scrawled on the blackboard in the smoke-filled back room of the station. Best mount up. [Find the rest of the story at ]