  • Dictionary/I
  • These pages comprise a dictionary of terms relating to the pipe organ. Please keep definitions to a few sentences, and do not include pictures or sound clips. When more space is needed for a term, a new page can be created for it. Impost Inter-manual Coupler [noun] a coupler which plays the stops of one manual (or division) from a different manual.e.g. Swell to Great 8' (means the stops of the Swell division will be played by the keys of the Great keyboard - at the normal pitch) Intra-manual Coupler [noun] a coupler which operates on a single manual; e.g. an Octave Coupler or Sub-Octave Coupler.
  • These pages comprise a dictionary of terms relating to the pipe organ. Please keep definitions to a few sentences, and do not include pictures or sound clips. When more space is needed for a term, a new page can be created for it. Impost Inter-manual Coupler [noun] a coupler which plays the stops of one manual (or division) from a different manual.e.g. Swell to Great 8' (means the stops of the Swell division will be played by the keys of the Great keyboard - at the normal pitch) Intra-manual Coupler [noun] a coupler which operates on a single manual; e.g. an Octave Coupler or Sub-Octave Coupler. Inverted Languid