  • Play groundsman for the urchins
  • From: [[]] There is some risk. But they promise you a third of their haul. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • You are an accomplished decoy!
Failure title
  • Unfortunate...
  • 25
Failure description
  • It's hardly your fault that on your first attempt, when you accost a clergyman, a clumsy orphan attempting to swipe his hat instead sticks a fish-hook in his ear. There is no sound on earth or under it like the sound of a clergyman with […]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Assist the Fisher-Kings
Success description
  • You trip up passersby; ask them directions; spill beer on their shirt as you pass, and assist them with the stains; whistle rudely at […] At the end of the day, the urchins split their haul with you.
  • There is some risk. But they promise you a third of their haul.
  • From: [[]] There is some risk. But they promise you a third of their haul. [Find the rest of the story at ]