  • Langadine
  • Langadine was a city on the Southern shore of the Dry Salt Sea that was destroyed three millennia before the current time of the series. Its end was occasioned by the Fall and the coming of the Kencyrath to Rathillien; as the Kencyr temple Langadine was built around activated, the city was destroyed. Modern-day Kothifir traded with ancient Langadine via travel across the Sea of Time.
  • Jame
  • King
  • Langadine sprawled across several foothills in the shadow of the Tenebrae mountain range. […] Walled terraces descended from it, curving to fit the contours of the land. The streets on each level thus whorled like the ridges of a massive fingerprint. Whitewashed houses lined them, presenting a solid face to the pavement. Most were two stories high at most, given the illusion of greater height by the rolling ground on which they were set. […] [E]ach building had a small, walled garden behind it like a green jewel set in stone.
  • City-state
Ruler1 plural
  • kings
Past ruler
  • *Lainoscopes
  • Langadine was a city on the Southern shore of the Dry Salt Sea that was destroyed three millennia before the current time of the series. Its end was occasioned by the Fall and the coming of the Kencyrath to Rathillien; as the Kencyr temple Langadine was built around activated, the city was destroyed. Modern-day Kothifir traded with ancient Langadine via travel across the Sea of Time.