  • Defendant
  • Defendant
  • From defend +‎ -ant
  • The Defendant was in a pre-trial hearing for an undisclosed crime. He was released on bond after Joseph Adama communicated to the Judge that her briber was in place.
  • Defendant is used to describe two different types of parties in a legal proceeding. In civil law, a defendant is a person against whom claim is brought by a complainant or plaintiff. The defendant or defendants must be named in the originating process and must be served with that process. The defendant may then file an answer to the claim, or if they do not, face the sanction of being noted in default. In criminal law, a defendant is a person against whom a charge of a crime is brought. The defendant is required to appear in court to enter a plea to the charge and to face trial.
  • See Also: * Plaintiff * Trial Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Defendant"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
  • A defendant is a person or entity accused of a crime in criminal prosecution or a person or entity against whom some type of civil relief is being sought in a civil case.
  • Unknown
  • Living
  • Josh Byer
  • Unknown
  • 101
  • Criminal
  • From defend +‎ -ant
  • The Defendant was in a pre-trial hearing for an undisclosed crime. He was released on bond after Joseph Adama communicated to the Judge that her briber was in place.
  • Defendant is used to describe two different types of parties in a legal proceeding. In civil law, a defendant is a person against whom claim is brought by a complainant or plaintiff. The defendant or defendants must be named in the originating process and must be served with that process. The defendant may then file an answer to the claim, or if they do not, face the sanction of being noted in default. In criminal law, a defendant is a person against whom a charge of a crime is brought. The defendant is required to appear in court to enter a plea to the charge and to face trial.
  • See Also: * Plaintiff * Trial Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Defendant"is a part of's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
  • A defendant is a person or entity accused of a crime in criminal prosecution or a person or entity against whom some type of civil relief is being sought in a civil case.