  • Smoke screen bombs
  • Smoke screen bombs used in Constantinople released a thick, dark cloud of smoke, obscuring the vision of those trapped in its radius. Its effect was so great that those inside the smoke screen had to rely completely on their hearing whilst the smoke covered them. It also blinded the vision of Ezio as well, forcing him to use Eagle Sense in order to "see" inside the cloud of smoke. After advancing enough through the ranks of the Assassin Order, certain Assassin apprentices were also able to equip themselves with the bombs.
  • Smoke screen bombs used in Constantinople released a thick, dark cloud of smoke, obscuring the vision of those trapped in its radius. Its effect was so great that those inside the smoke screen had to rely completely on their hearing whilst the smoke covered them. It also blinded the vision of Ezio as well, forcing him to use Eagle Sense in order to "see" inside the cloud of smoke. It was a highly effective bomb, both at breaking pursuit and disabling any guards, without risking civilian casualties. It did not, however, last for very long, allowing the guards outside its radius (while still unable to pass through) to be capable of attacking. After advancing enough through the ranks of the Assassin Order, certain Assassin apprentices were also able to equip themselves with the bombs.