  • Hennin
  • Yeoman Tonia Barrows found a hennin on the Shore Leave Planet. (TOS: "Shore Leave" ) When Lieutenant Commander Worf was introduced to Major Kira Nerys and Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, they had just emerged from a holosuite wearing these hats, prompting Worf to compliment, "nice hat," and the officers to clarify that these were not part of their usual attire. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") The hat was not referred to by this name in these episodes.
  • Yeoman Tonia Barrows found a hennin on the Shore Leave Planet. (TOS: "Shore Leave" ) When Lieutenant Commander Worf was introduced to Major Kira Nerys and Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, they had just emerged from a holosuite wearing these hats, prompting Worf to compliment, "nice hat," and the officers to clarify that these were not part of their usual attire. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior") The hat was not referred to by this name in these episodes.