  • School District 4
  • School District 4 (第四学区 Dai Yon Gakku?) is a school district found in Academy City. It is bordered by School District 3 and 14 to the north, School District 19 to the east, School District 6 to the southeast, School District 5 to the southwest, and School District 1 and 16 to the west. The district's primary focus are food related facilities.
  • School District 4 (第四学区 Dai Yon Gakku?) is a school district found in Academy City. It is bordered by School District 3 and 14 to the north, School District 19 to the east, School District 6 to the southeast, School District 5 to the southwest, and School District 1 and 16 to the west. The district's primary focus are food related facilities.