  • Black whelp
  • Unlike most other dragons their age, black dragons are nearly fearless, quite willing to die in a bloody frenzy in order to inflict as much pain as possible on their targets. As such, they are incredibly dangerous, especially in groups; and this is exactly how they like to fight. If encountered alone, a black whelp retreats to find more of its kind, then return to tear apart whatever has invaded their domain. They focus on the same target as the oldest dragon, killing enemies one by one. Whelps delight in using their breath weapons.
  • Unlike most other dragons their age, black dragons are nearly fearless, quite willing to die in a bloody frenzy in order to inflict as much pain as possible on their targets. As such, they are incredibly dangerous, especially in groups; and this is exactly how they like to fight. If encountered alone, a black whelp retreats to find more of its kind, then return to tear apart whatever has invaded their domain. They focus on the same target as the oldest dragon, killing enemies one by one. Whelps delight in using their breath weapons.