  • Invite some friends over to marvel at your plant
  • From: [[]] Who could fail to be entertained by such an energetic green menace? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A most singular organism
Failure title
  • 'We're leaving...'
  • 75
Failure description
  • A flash of tendril, a flying coffee pot and the evening is ruined. Perhaps your plant objects to being regarded as an object.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Your green project
Success description
  • What on earth is it? Where did you get it? Could I impose on you for a cutting? Your plant is quite the thing among your social circle. Their interest won't last out the week, but you should make gains upon it while it does.
  • Who could fail to be entertained by such an energetic green menace?
  • From: [[]] Who could fail to be entertained by such an energetic green menace? [Find the rest of the story at ]