  • Crazy Vaclav
  • Crazy Vaclav is the owner, proprietor, and sales person at Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles. Crazy Vaclav appears to be of Eastern European descent, and speaks with a thick accent. Homer visits his business after he wrecks his car in a blizzard during the episode Mr. Plow. Vaclav eagerly attempts to sell Homer a car which he brags "will get three hundred hectares on a single tank of kerosene." When Homer inquires where the car comes from, Vaclav responds that "the country no longer exists," but assures Homer that he will agree that the unintelligible car brand is number one after he test drives it. Vaclav then instructs Homer to put the car in "H gear" as he pushes the car out of the lot. The H is an N in Russian, which represents neutral. The car that Vaclav was trying to sell was iden
  • Car Salesman
Voiced by
  • "Mr. Plow"
  • Black
  • Crazy Vaclav
  • Crazy Vaclav is the owner, proprietor, and sales person at Crazy Vaclav's Place of Automobiles. Crazy Vaclav appears to be of Eastern European descent, and speaks with a thick accent. Homer visits his business after he wrecks his car in a blizzard during the episode Mr. Plow. Vaclav eagerly attempts to sell Homer a car which he brags "will get three hundred hectares on a single tank of kerosene." When Homer inquires where the car comes from, Vaclav responds that "the country no longer exists," but assures Homer that he will agree that the unintelligible car brand is number one after he test drives it. Vaclav then instructs Homer to put the car in "H gear" as he pushes the car out of the lot. The H is an N in Russian, which represents neutral. The car that Vaclav was trying to sell was identified as the Harper Invacar.
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