  • Stranger (Episode 6262)
  • The unnamed Stranger was befriended by Mike Baldwin whilst they were waiting for a train to Doncaster. As Mike was suffering Alzheimer's disease, the stranger found it difficult to understand him, so humoured Mike instead. When the man revealed he was a salesman, Mike attempted to do business with him and offered to sell him women's underwear (as he was the owner of Underworld) but the man assured him that he wasn't interested. When the train arrived the man pointed it out for Mike and the pair boarded together.
Number of Appearances
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 2006-04-03
Character Name
  • Stranger
Played By
  • Salesman
  • The unnamed Stranger was befriended by Mike Baldwin whilst they were waiting for a train to Doncaster. As Mike was suffering Alzheimer's disease, the stranger found it difficult to understand him, so humoured Mike instead. When the man revealed he was a salesman, Mike attempted to do business with him and offered to sell him women's underwear (as he was the owner of Underworld) but the man assured him that he wasn't interested. When the train arrived the man pointed it out for Mike and the pair boarded together. The unnamed stranger was played by Steve Jackson who would return to the programme just under four years later in the regular role of Trevor Dean.