  • Doctor Who: New Beginnings/The Canyon Monster
  • The TARDIS arrives at an army base/camp and the Doctor steps out. He walks towards the camp as his nephew Ted come towards him. "Ted?" asked the Doctor. "What?" asked Ted. "Can't you just get a drivers license?" "I keep regenerating ever time I crash!" "Well then, I'll just tell your father your weak." The two walk into the TARDIS, and Ted says hi to The Lady, the Doctors girlfriend. "Doctor, I think we should bring Ted on a trip, as a Christmas present, he has had to do all that training and getting a drivers license." said the Lady. "Alright fine... But only a trip!" said the Doctor
  • The Half Doctor, The Lady, Ted
Running Time
  • N/A
  • David Tennet, Billie Piper, and some male actor.
  • The Canyon Monster
  • Sci-fi Fantasy
Original channel
  • Misa Channel
Opening Theme
  • Song of The Half
  • Daleks, War Machine, Canyon Snake
Created by
  • Bunny1002
Original run
  • ?
  • Grand Canyon , Army Base/Camp , TARDIS, Christmas
  • None
  • TBA
  • The TARDIS arrives at an army base/camp and the Doctor steps out. He walks towards the camp as his nephew Ted come towards him. "Ted?" asked the Doctor. "What?" asked Ted. "Can't you just get a drivers license?" "I keep regenerating ever time I crash!" "Well then, I'll just tell your father your weak." The two walk into the TARDIS, and Ted says hi to The Lady, the Doctors girlfriend. "Doctor, I think we should bring Ted on a trip, as a Christmas present, he has had to do all that training and getting a drivers license." said the Lady. "Alright fine... But only a trip!" said the Doctor The Doctor goes to a control panel, and presses a big red button. "Oops! wrong button! I meant to press the tiny blue button." "What does the red button do?" asks the Lady and Ted "Well.... It kinda turns all the newly installed rockets on..." The screen shows out side of the TARDIS, as it crashes on all ends of time in a big ball of fire. All of them are screaming. At it's biggest form, it destroys the dinosaurs, and lands back on present day on top of the grand canyon. "Well, now I know who killed the dinosaurs." said Ted, "Why do we even have that?" "Well, let's say there are other time travelers trying to kill us, we press that button so then we're hard to find, and we catch on fire as a defense, and then we explode." said the Doctor. "I guess we should get out then." says the Lady TBA that is all I have for now sorry but I need to think tell me what you think of the story please and this sentence will never end most likely --Bunny1002 (talk) --Bunny1002 (talk) 17:04, December 29, 2015 (UTC) --17:04, December 29, 2015 (UTC)