  • Find out the hard way
  • From: [[]] If you hack a devil's head off and it dies, then you've proven something. If you hack its head off and it lives, then you've... not strictly proven they can't die. And someone will be terribly cross. Perhaps this isn't such a wonderful idea. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A savage ambush
Failure title
  • A savage end
  • 100
Failure description
  • You follow one of the runtier devils out of the Embassy [...]. You set upon him in a dark spot off Kidderghast Lane. [...] suddenly he has a long curved knife in either hand. It goes very badly for you after that.
From Card/Storylet title
  • A Matter of Mortality with the Loquacious Vicar
Success description
  • You follow one of the runtier devils [...] It's a hard fight. [...] You stand over him, panting... and his flesh begins to crumple, like paper. [...] The Vicar listens carefully. For once he's silent. "Unwise, [...] Here. Take these."
  • If you hack a devil's head off and it dies, then you've proven something. If you hack its head off and it lives, then you've... not strictly proven they can't die. And someone will be terribly cross. Perhaps this isn't such a wonderful idea.
  • From: [[]] If you hack a devil's head off and it dies, then you've proven something. If you hack its head off and it lives, then you've... not strictly proven they can't die. And someone will be terribly cross. Perhaps this isn't such a wonderful idea. [Find the rest of the story at ]