  • Monkey Ninjas
  • Monkey Ninjas are characters on the television show Kim Possible. Monkey Ninjas are a group of monkeys, who have been trained in Monkey Kung-Fu, by Monkey Fist. Except for the episode,"Monkey Fist Strikes," when Monkey Fist was with his Valet, Bates, he has continually used his Monkey Ninjas to help him to become some kind of Mythical Monkey Man.
  • Except for the episode,"Monkey Fist Strikes," when Monkey Fist was with his Valet, Bates, he has continually used his Monkey Ninjas to help him to become some kind of Mythical Monkey Man. They also fight and battle alongside Monkey Fist, whether they are battling The Yamanouchi Ninja School or Team Possible. Like their master, Monkey Fist, they are aware that Ron Stoppable of Team Possible also has Mystical Monkey Power. The Monkey Ninjas do not have this power.
  • The monkey ninjas served Monkey Fist in a variety of capacities, though were first and foremost his initial wave of attack in combat. This strategy was often set into motion with the battle-cry, "Monkey ninjas attack!", and Monkey Fist would then only enter the fray once they had either proved unsuccessful, or he simply lost his patience. The monkey ninjas were highly effective against the unprepared, as most people reacted to the sight of them with either fear or hesitation.
  • Monkey Ninjas are characters on the television show Kim Possible. Monkey Ninjas are a group of monkeys, who have been trained in Monkey Kung-Fu, by Monkey Fist. Except for the episode,"Monkey Fist Strikes," when Monkey Fist was with his Valet, Bates, he has continually used his Monkey Ninjas to help him to become some kind of Mythical Monkey Man.
  • The monkey ninjas served Monkey Fist in a variety of capacities, though were first and foremost his initial wave of attack in combat. This strategy was often set into motion with the battle-cry, "Monkey ninjas attack!", and Monkey Fist would then only enter the fray once they had either proved unsuccessful, or he simply lost his patience. The monkey ninjas were highly effective against the unprepared, as most people reacted to the sight of them with either fear or hesitation. Outside of combat, the monkey ninjas acted as Monkey Fist's assistants, and he presumably trained them in this as well. Monkey ninjas were seen carrying his luggage, driving his vehicles (unsuccessfully), and threatening people on his behalf.
  • Except for the episode,"Monkey Fist Strikes," when Monkey Fist was with his Valet, Bates, he has continually used his Monkey Ninjas to help him to become some kind of Mythical Monkey Man. They also fight and battle alongside Monkey Fist, whether they are battling The Yamanouchi Ninja School or Team Possible. Like their master, Monkey Fist, they are aware that Ron Stoppable of Team Possible also has Mystical Monkey Power. In Monkey Ninjas In Space, they found out that Ron Stoppable is the prophesied Ultimate Monkey Master and their leader. For a short period, they were following him everywhere, but the next time that Monkey Fist was seen, they returned to support Monkey Fist instead. The Monkey Ninjas do not have this power.
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