  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • El treinta y dos (32) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y uno y precede al treinta y tres. Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:32.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 32 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:Nowowiejska-32.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Zdjęcie archiwalne: Trzydziestka dwójka na ul. Nowowiejskiej]] 32 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z pętli Czynszowa na kraniec Plac Narutowicza. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 25 minut, linia kursowała przeciętnie co 15 minut.
  • The number 32 appears frequently in the Submachine series, leading to speculation that it might have some special significance. 23 also appears a fair amount in the games, which also attracts attention as it is the reverse of 32.
  • Episode 32, unlocked after completing episode 31.
  • Number 32 was an item on The List.
  • The year 32 AD.
  • 32 (thirty-two) is a positive integer following 31 and preceding 33. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-second" or "32nd".
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "32" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Luis Aquino (1986) * Charlie Beamon (1981) * Brian Bohanon (1996) * Steve Cummings (1989-1990) * Huck Flener (1993) * Roy Halladay (1999-2009) * Edwin Hurtado (1995) * Todd Jackson (1979) * Don Kirkwood (1978) * Jack Kucek (1980) * Jeff Musselman (1987) * Dave Winfield (1992)
  • #32 is the thirty-second figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • The number 32 was not used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. The player with by far the most appearances wearing the number 32 is Aaron Lescott, who made 199 league appearances in six years with that squad number. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 32 (February 15, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Bhavra alray! [unknown language; HELP! - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen, his questions appear on-screen unless noted): How is it that there are so many Smurfs if there is only one female? Narrator: Can I eat your face? That Guy: (chuckles) I've waited for YEARS for someone to ask me that question. No. Narrator: Nicholson or Ledger? Narrator: Would you get aroused if Rosie O'Donnell was actually a woman?
  • Roger tells Elizabeth that David tried to kill him and recounts at length several facts. He shows her the bleeder valve. Bill tells Carter that Burke is guilty. They tell each other about the detective. Bill likes Burke and Carter asks Bill about David's relationship with Roger. Roger calls David and "[his] wife, Laura" bad names. They married after Burke's trial; prior to that, she had been Burke's girl. David was born 8 months after the wedding. He implies something about David's paternity. Roger believes his time with David is over.
  • Dianas Liebeskummer hat negative Auswirkungen auf ihre Eislaufkünste. Die demonstrativen Zuwendungen ihres Trainers Mike sind Balsam für Diana. Doch so sehr Mike den Kumpel mimt, hat er eigentlich ganz anderes mit ihr vor: Er glaubt, Diana mit einem One-Night-Stand "trösten" zu können? Simone vertraut Richard nicht mehr und lässt ihn ihre Macht als Chefin des Steinkamp-Imperiums empfindlich spüren. Sie übernimmt die Vertragsverhandlung des Power-Snack-Sponsorings im Alleingang, was fatale Folgen hat. Richard ist der Einzige, der ihr jetzt noch helfen kann. Doch er knüpft seine Hilfe an eine Bedingung. Vanessa und Tim drängen Ben, weiter nach seinem Vater zu suchen. Sogar vor einem Einbruch schrecken die drei bei ihren Nachforschungen nicht zurück. Nadja ist geschockt darüber, wie weit Ben
  • b.d.
  • 20
  • 31
  • 277.800000
Folgen Nummer
  • 32
  • 32
  • 32
  • b.d.
  • ostatnia trasa trzydziestki dwójki
  • 1.300000
  • co 20 minut
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 18102006
  • 33
  • 1966-07-26
  • 32
  • 1967
  • Complete
  • 1
  • Episode 32
  • 1966-08-09
Character Name
  • Ikue
  • King Ton;
  • 32
  • List Number 32
  • 12
  • 31
  • 31.0
  • Ds32.png
  • 33
  • 33.0
  • Bawz_20061018_0032_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • Bulled Wally Panzer
  • green
  • 32
  • tak
  • 32
  • El treinta y dos (32) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y uno y precede al treinta y tres. Categoría:Números
  • [[Plik:32.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 32 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:Nowowiejska-32.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Zdjęcie archiwalne: Trzydziestka dwójka na ul. Nowowiejskiej]] 32 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z pętli Czynszowa na kraniec Plac Narutowicza. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 25 minut, linia kursowała przeciętnie co 15 minut.
  • The number 32 appears frequently in the Submachine series, leading to speculation that it might have some special significance. 23 also appears a fair amount in the games, which also attracts attention as it is the reverse of 32.
  • Roger tells Elizabeth that David tried to kill him and recounts at length several facts. He shows her the bleeder valve. Bill tells Carter that Burke is guilty. They tell each other about the detective. Bill likes Burke and Carter asks Bill about David's relationship with Roger. Roger calls David and "[his] wife, Laura" bad names. They married after Burke's trial; prior to that, she had been Burke's girl. David was born 8 months after the wedding. He implies something about David's paternity. Roger believes his time with David is over. Bill tells Jonas that David hoped Roger would die. Jonas uses forensic evidence to clear Burke, whom he now claims he never really suspected. Bill is skeptical but comes around; Jonas isn't sure what to do about his evidence. Roger and Elizabeth argue; he wants David sent away and she wants to protect him. Elizabeth says David’s been forced to live with Roger's guilt, which he claims not to have. Elizabeth tells him she wants to stand by David as she did Roger; Roger flatly states David may not be his son. Elizabeth insists David is the last Collins. She plans to cover the whole thing up. The cops arrive. Roger thinks Burke's arrest at this time would be ironic. Roger clears Burke, which annoys Elizabeth. Elizabeth tries to stop Roger and Jonas from implicating David by lying that the bleeder valve was terminally loose (per Matthew). Jonas has a glint in his eye, and insinuates that David is guilty. Roger tells Liz that a day will come when she regrets protecting David.
  • Episode 32, unlocked after completing episode 31.
  • Number 32 was an item on The List.
  • The year 32 AD.
  • 32 (thirty-two) is a positive integer following 31 and preceding 33. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-second" or "32nd".
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 32 (February 15, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Bhavra alray! [unknown language; HELP! - ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen, his questions appear on-screen unless noted): How is it that there are so many Smurfs if there is only one female? That Guy: (facing screen left with pipe in mouth, he turns to the camera and takes it out) That's a very good question. You see, the female, or the "Smurfette" as she's often referred to, is actually the Queen Smurf. / [indicates a jump cut] And there's only one female to every five-hundred Smurfs. / But, unlike a colony of ants that treat their queen with the utmost respect, / they just gang-rape the hell out of that bitch. / They strap her down on a table, / the Smurfs form a very long line, / and they do her like a mofo. / And for every time she's raped, a new Smurf is born. / Only they're not small and tiny like you think a baby Smurf would be. / They actually come out full-size. / (chuckles) It is a most unpleasant experience. / One that nobody should ever have to go through. / Now, you might be wondering, "What about those Smurfs that are half-size? Aren't THEY children?" No. They are MIDGETS. / I would use the term "little people;" but the Smurfs are already little, so that'd be redundant. / Now, I know it looks like Smurfette is always laughing and is perfectly content; but she isn't. She's dead inside. / Needless to say, if another female IS born out of those millions and millions of births, heaven help her. / Yes. Narrator: Can I eat your face? That Guy: (chuckles) I've waited for YEARS for someone to ask me that question. No. Narrator: Nicholson or Ledger? That Guy: (takes pipe out of his mouth) Romero. / Because even though Nicholson and Ledger are extremely talented actors and play very crazy people, / there is NOTHING more crazy than painting white make-up over your own mustache. / (points mouthpiece at the camera) It isn't only crazy, it's downright stupid. / (clip of Cesar Romero in the '60s TV show Batman dressed as The Joker, laughing) / (back to That Guy, whose face turns a bit angry) Shut up. / (cut of Romero looking surprised) Narrator: Would you get aroused if Rosie O'Donnell was actually a woman? That Guy: (chuckle) I get aroused if Rosie O'Donnell was actually a person, / which she ISN'T. / I saw the movie Tarzan. She's an ape. / An ape who like ladies. / And when they make the sex, they give birth to Mexican chihuahuas. / And thus continues the circle of sinning against nature. / Extraordinary. Narrator: Are you gay, a pedophile, or a woman? [note: the question reads "a Gay"] That Guy: I'm all three! / I'm a gay, pedophile woman. / I have the hots for little children / but only the ones who are female. / Lots of people are gay, pedophile women. / Like...Michael Jackson, / Carrot Top, / Dustin Diamond (that SURPRISED me), / and, of course, Walt Disney. / But I think we all knew that. / (we see him spinning his pipe on his right index finger by the bowl) Narrator: Where IS Waldo? That Guy: He's other there. (he points off-screen to his left and briefly looks that way) THAT was easy. Narrator: What am I thinking as I watch this video? That Guy: You're thinking, "Yay! My question is finally being answered. / Or is it? / Is THIS technically answering the question?" / I don't care. (after a few seconds, he kisses at the camera) Narrator: Is your mother a MILF? That Guy: Judge for yourself. / (cut to a photoshopped image of a beautiful woman seductively posed with That Guy's face superimposed on it; cut back to That Guy, who nods smiling and later mouths, "Oh yeah!") Narrator: My mom said she has a private area like me. Does that mean she has a penis? That Guy: Yes, she does, as I found out last night. / That's right. I did your mother. / And not only does she have a penis, she also has a boy who was adopted. YOU. / But don't worry. Appearances can OFTEN be deceiving. / For example, Greenland is actually full of ice. / Your pinky isn't actually pink. / And Jesus was a 240-pound Jamaican. / (chuckles) I can tell you I was surprised when I found that out / but not disappointed, / as YOU most likely are, / you adopted bastard. / God bless. Narrator: If you were a super hero, what kind of powers would you have and why? That Guy: Well, many people have wanted supernatural powers. / Some wish they could fly. / Some wish they could shoot lasers out of their eyes. / But for me, my superpower would be telling the difference between butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. / Because NOBODY can tell that. / Not even I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Man. / (walks up to the camera) He SAYS he can, but he's a liar. / (normal position) And a gay, pedophile woman. / I just wet myself. / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying: There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it. (winks at the camera and returns to reading and smoking)
  • Dianas Liebeskummer hat negative Auswirkungen auf ihre Eislaufkünste. Die demonstrativen Zuwendungen ihres Trainers Mike sind Balsam für Diana. Doch so sehr Mike den Kumpel mimt, hat er eigentlich ganz anderes mit ihr vor: Er glaubt, Diana mit einem One-Night-Stand "trösten" zu können? Simone vertraut Richard nicht mehr und lässt ihn ihre Macht als Chefin des Steinkamp-Imperiums empfindlich spüren. Sie übernimmt die Vertragsverhandlung des Power-Snack-Sponsorings im Alleingang, was fatale Folgen hat. Richard ist der Einzige, der ihr jetzt noch helfen kann. Doch er knüpft seine Hilfe an eine Bedingung. Vanessa und Tim drängen Ben, weiter nach seinem Vater zu suchen. Sogar vor einem Einbruch schrecken die drei bei ihren Nachforschungen nicht zurück. Nadja ist geschockt darüber, wie weit Ben in der Suche nach seinem Vater geht. Und so offenbart sie ihrem Sohn zumindest eine Teilwahrheit.
  • The number 32 was not used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. The player with by far the most appearances wearing the number 32 is Aaron Lescott, who made 199 league appearances in six years with that squad number. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally. a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 32. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and the end of 2011–12: 598 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 32: 239 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 31: 40.0%
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "32" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Luis Aquino (1986) * Charlie Beamon (1981) * Brian Bohanon (1996) * Steve Cummings (1989-1990) * Huck Flener (1993) * Roy Halladay (1999-2009) * Edwin Hurtado (1995) * Todd Jackson (1979) * Don Kirkwood (1978) * Jack Kucek (1980) * Jeff Musselman (1987) * Dave Winfield (1992)
  • #32 is the thirty-second figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
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