  • Peter Parker (Earth-8982)
  • When word of Daredevil's murder of the Kingpin reached him, Spider-Man quickly set out to find Matt and find out what happened. When he did find Matt, he found the Punisher was trying to apprehend Matt for his own good and attempted to help. Unfortunately, Matt used the Punisher's gas grenades against Spider-Man who instinctively tried to web up Matt. But he ended up webbing the Punisher instead, immobilizing them both and allowing for Matt to escape.
  • When word of Daredevil's murder of the Kingpin reached him, Spider-Man quickly set out to find Matt and find out what happened. When he did find Matt, he found the Punisher was trying to apprehend Matt for his own good and attempted to help. Unfortunately, Matt used the Punisher's gas grenades against Spider-Man who instinctively tried to web up Matt. But he ended up webbing the Punisher instead, immobilizing them both and allowing for Matt to escape.