  • Why the chicken crossed the road
  • For many millennia, beginning with Xenu of Elea, people have been asking "Why did the chicken cross the road?" This is an interesting dilemma, comparable in chicken-related dilemmas only to "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" The formerly held view that the chicken crossed the road "to get to the other side" was rejected in 1981 by the general human population for "being not funny enough"
  • For many millennia, beginning with Xenu of Elea, people have been asking "Why did the chicken cross the road?" This is an interesting dilemma, comparable in chicken-related dilemmas only to "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" The formerly held view that the chicken crossed the road "to get to the other side" was rejected in 1981 by the general human population for "being not funny enough"