  • Francisco daddy ortiz (deleted 29 Feb 2008 at 05:02)
  • Francisco Ortiz is a basketball player currently residing in Denver, Colorado. He was born January 8, 1993 and currently goes to school in Denver, Colorado. NBA scouts have been looking at him since he was 13 years old. When asked what he liked to do, he replied, " I like beating Brandon Martinez, Jose Guerrero and a few other people in my spare time.The funny part is that they are despicable at playing basketball and I enjoy killing them at games."
  • Francisco Ortiz is a basketball player currently residing in Denver, Colorado. He was born January 8, 1993 and currently goes to school in Denver, Colorado. NBA scouts have been looking at him since he was 13 years old. When asked what he liked to do, he replied, " I like beating Brandon Martinez, Jose Guerrero and a few other people in my spare time.The funny part is that they are despicable at playing basketball and I enjoy killing them at games."