  • Incubator
  • Incubator
  • Incubator
  • An incubator was a bioengineered species used by the Yuuzhan Vong to create life-forms using blueprints from a qahsa.
  • The Incubator makes her appearance in the mysterious realm of Nowhere. She is seen in all four ending routes, however she is only fought in the non-canonical Bad and Bad+ endings, where she serves as the final boss.
  • Incubators are used to hatch eggs. In order to hatch a 2 km, 5 km, or 10 km egg, a player must place an egg in the incubator. The app must be open for the distance walked to be tracked. There are two types of incubators: an unlimited, which is orange in appearance and has infinite uses; and a limited, which is blue in appearance and has three uses.
  • Some of the eggs players can place in an incubator are as follows:
  • En los finales Good y Good+, que se obtienen si Harry Mason salva la vida de Michael Kaufmann, éste arroja aglaophotis al Incubator impidiendo su nacimiento y haciendo que el Incubus emerja del cuerpo de Alessa.
  • Incubators are an emotionless race, with cat-like appearance. While in rare cases, some are capable having emotions, they are considered to be mentally ill. When an incubator is killed, it re-spawns and devours the dead body. * Telepathic communication * Invisibility * Teleportation * Wish granting * Energy Conversion/Collection * Soul Gem Creation * Replication After being killed * Soul Gem Stimulation
  • With the future of the Peacekeepers at stake, Scorpius gives his life story to a clone of John Crichton in hopes of getting the human's precious wormhole information.
  • The Incubator is an area within the Lab System onboard the Patrol Cruiser where Spectrobes can be deposited for the purpose of training and evolution. In the incubator, players can feed minerals collected throughout the gameplay to the Spectrobes to increase stats. They can also evolve the Spectrobes here. Cubes found throughout the game allow expansion of the Lab System, including the Incubator. Incremented updates include the ability to evolve Spectrobes, apply Custom Parts (except in Spectrobes: Origins) and change the terrain of the incubator to match the Spectrobe's element.
  • Theres also a variant of the incubator in levels after Receiver and Pattern buffer that don't take souls from engineers but have the souls from the Receiver and have a limit on how many they can spawn before they hit the limit of live darwinians, They emit a Red smoke from where the souls are usually kept for spawning.
  • An incubator is a program designed to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies or government entities through an array of support resources and services, developed and orchestrated by incubator management and offered both in the incubator and through its network of contacts. Incubators are dedicated to start-up and early-stage companies.
  • In 2153, an incubator aboard Enterprise NX-01 was used for Human-looking mimetic simbiot Sim, while he was newly born. The incubator was required for less time than it would have in the case of an actual Human infant, as mimetic simbiots had shorter lifespans than Humans, lasting fifteen days. (ENT: "Similitude")
  • Een incubator is een object dat je kan vinden in pet shops in Yanille en Taverley. Spelers met eieren kunnen een ei van een huisdier uit laten broeden met de machine om ze tot huisdieren te laten groeien. Om dit te doen moet iemand het ei op de incubator gebruiken en wachten. Het blijkt dat het tussen de 30 en de 15 uur kan duren (Tijd geteld terwijl je ingelogd bent op Runescape) om een ei uit te laten komen. Na deze periode kan iemand het uitgekomen huisdier uit de incubator halen. Het ei gaat vanzelf weg na een week. en:Incubator Categorie:Interactieve omgeving Categorie:Summoning
Other Appearances
  • Silent Hill: Play Novel
  • 3
  • Lightning
  • Dios
  • Alessa
  • Sapient
  • Ninguna
  • It incubates eggs.
  • Silent Hill
  • Rayos
  • Alta
  • Ninguna
  • Incubator
  • Ninguna Parte
  • No
  • Incubator
  • Tammy MacIntosh , David Franklin , Amy Salas , Evan Sheaves , Stephanie Jacobsen , Paul Shedlowich , Danny Adcock , Jo Kerrigan , Thomas Holesgrove , Sam Healy , Nicholas Bishop , William Zappa
  • Incubator
  • 250
  • ;
  • Telepathic
  • Yes
Image caption
  • Alessa and Cheryl merged into the Incubator
Other Names
  • Cheryl Mason
  • Alessa Gillespie
  • The Mother of God
  • 10311
  • Summoning!
  • Incubator
  • None
  • Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
  • Incubator.gif
  • 11
  • Silent Hill
  • 2008-01-15
  • High
  • Nowhere
  • Gen Urobuchi
  • Incubator.jpg
  • An incubator was a bioengineered species used by the Yuuzhan Vong to create life-forms using blueprints from a qahsa.
  • The Incubator makes her appearance in the mysterious realm of Nowhere. She is seen in all four ending routes, however she is only fought in the non-canonical Bad and Bad+ endings, where she serves as the final boss.
  • Incubators are used to hatch eggs. In order to hatch a 2 km, 5 km, or 10 km egg, a player must place an egg in the incubator. The app must be open for the distance walked to be tracked. There are two types of incubators: an unlimited, which is orange in appearance and has infinite uses; and a limited, which is blue in appearance and has three uses.
  • Some of the eggs players can place in an incubator are as follows:
  • En los finales Good y Good+, que se obtienen si Harry Mason salva la vida de Michael Kaufmann, éste arroja aglaophotis al Incubator impidiendo su nacimiento y haciendo que el Incubus emerja del cuerpo de Alessa.
  • Incubators are an emotionless race, with cat-like appearance. While in rare cases, some are capable having emotions, they are considered to be mentally ill. When an incubator is killed, it re-spawns and devours the dead body. * Telepathic communication * Invisibility * Teleportation * Wish granting * Energy Conversion/Collection * Soul Gem Creation * Replication After being killed * Soul Gem Stimulation
  • With the future of the Peacekeepers at stake, Scorpius gives his life story to a clone of John Crichton in hopes of getting the human's precious wormhole information.
  • In 2153, an incubator aboard Enterprise NX-01 was used for Human-looking mimetic simbiot Sim, while he was newly born. The incubator was required for less time than it would have in the case of an actual Human infant, as mimetic simbiots had shorter lifespans than Humans, lasting fifteen days. (ENT: "Similitude") The next year, incubators were removed from Trialas IV by a group of Augments, leaving interfaces behind. By plugging a scanner into the interfaces, Starfleet Commander Charles Tucker III determined that the missing equipment had been incubators. In a later discussion with Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol in Enterprise's situation room, Tucker realized the Augments had taken the incubators with them because they intended to use the equipment for new-born Augments whose embryos were in cold storage at Cold Station 12. (ENT: "Cold Station 12") After the USS Voyager was duplicated by a divergence field in 2372, The Doctor placed the newly born Naomi Wildman in a Federation incubator to begin treating her for hemocythemia. However, the incubator lost power when proton bursts from the other Voyager caused widespread damage, resulting in the infant's death. (VOY: "Deadlock")
  • An incubator is a program designed to accelerate the successful development of entrepreneurial companies or government entities through an array of support resources and services, developed and orchestrated by incubator management and offered both in the incubator and through its network of contacts. Incubators are dedicated to start-up and early-stage companies. Incubators vary in the way they deliver their services, in their organizational structure, and in the types of clients they serve. Successful completion of a incubation program increases the likelihood that a start-up entity will remain viable for the long term.
  • Een incubator is een object dat je kan vinden in pet shops in Yanille en Taverley. Spelers met eieren kunnen een ei van een huisdier uit laten broeden met de machine om ze tot huisdieren te laten groeien. Om dit te doen moet iemand het ei op de incubator gebruiken en wachten. Het blijkt dat het tussen de 30 en de 15 uur kan duren (Tijd geteld terwijl je ingelogd bent op Runescape) om een ei uit te laten komen. Na deze periode kan iemand het uitgekomen huisdier uit de incubator halen. Een aantal Summoning eieren die spelers in de incubator kunnen plaatsen zijn: Penguin egg met 30 Summoning, Raven egg met 50 Summoning, rode, blauwe en groene bird's eggs met 70 Summoning, een vulture egg met 85 Summoning, een Chameleon egg met 90 Summoning en een Dragon egg met 99 Summoning. Het ei gaat vanzelf weg na een week. en:Incubator Categorie:Interactieve omgeving Categorie:Summoning
  • The Incubator is an area within the Lab System onboard the Patrol Cruiser where Spectrobes can be deposited for the purpose of training and evolution. In the incubator, players can feed minerals collected throughout the gameplay to the Spectrobes to increase stats. They can also evolve the Spectrobes here. Cubes found throughout the game allow expansion of the Lab System, including the Incubator. Incremented updates include the ability to evolve Spectrobes, apply Custom Parts (except in Spectrobes: Origins) and change the terrain of the incubator to match the Spectrobe's element.
  • Theres also a variant of the incubator in levels after Receiver and Pattern buffer that don't take souls from engineers but have the souls from the Receiver and have a limit on how many they can spawn before they hit the limit of live darwinians, They emit a Red smoke from where the souls are usually kept for spawning.
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