  • 战狐 (Zhàn Hú)
  • This song is an original Chinese VOCALOID song featuring Yuezheng Ling. According to the lyricist, the references of the words in the lyrics came from Google, Wikipedia, and Baidu. They all represent something that is related to the Kurdish women soldiers that are fighting the ISIS, yet it is worthwhile noting that the song does not indicate the personal political position of the producers of this song, including the lyricist herself. For example, the word "绯 (red)" represents the red fox species in the Middle East, while also being Ling's representative color; "战 (battle)" means the battle with an extremist religious organization; "狐 (fox)" represents the Kurds, because in the Kurdish culture there are many stories about the fox, and unlike many other cultures, which believe that foxes ar
  • 292360
  • "战狐"
  • English: Fox Warriors
  • Pinyin: Zhàn hú
  • Traditional Chinese: 戰狐
original upload date
  • Nov.5.2015
  • 320000
  • 2015-11-05
yt id
  • nHbcp4DfrlI
bb id
  • 3172370
  • #192941; color: #D84F5F
  • This song is an original Chinese VOCALOID song featuring Yuezheng Ling. According to the lyricist, the references of the words in the lyrics came from Google, Wikipedia, and Baidu. They all represent something that is related to the Kurdish women soldiers that are fighting the ISIS, yet it is worthwhile noting that the song does not indicate the personal political position of the producers of this song, including the lyricist herself. For example, the word "绯 (red)" represents the red fox species in the Middle East, while also being Ling's representative color; "战 (battle)" means the battle with an extremist religious organization; "狐 (fox)" represents the Kurds, because in the Kurdish culture there are many stories about the fox, and unlike many other cultures, which believe that foxes are tricky and deceitful, the Kurdish believes that foxes are a very bright species; "新月 (new moon)" is a normal religious symbol; "堕落的 (fallen)" represents the jihad behavior of an extremist religious organization that is against humanity; "风沙 (windy and dusty)" represents the landforms in the Middle East; "百合花 (lily)" is the Nergz Lily— the Kurdish lilies, meaning sign of new life and the end of hardship. More information and explanations on the lyrics of the song can be found in the comments section of the bilibili broadcast. This song has exceeded 100,000 views.
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