  • Pitchfork Media
  • Pitchfork Media
  • Pitchfork Media, o sinxelamente Pitchfork, é unha publicación de Chicago que se edita diariamente através de Internet. Está adicada á crítica e comentarios de música, noticias musicais e entrevistas a artistas, e enfócase principalmente cara a música independente. Sen embargo, o rango de xéneros musicais que aborda exténdense ata a electrónica, o pop, o hip hop, a música dance, o folk, o jazz e a música experimental.
  • Much of the music reviewed comes from street musicians and independent record labels, so desperate for publicity that might lead to signing by a paying label that they will do anything for press coverage, including sending records with copious amounts of Benjamin-Franklin-themed gift-wrap.
  • Much of the music reviewed comes from street musicians and independent record labels, so desperate for publicity that might lead to signing by a paying label that they will do anything for press coverage, including sending records with copious amounts of Benjamin-Franklin-themed gift-wrap. The website's name was taken from Satan's favorite gardening tool. One of the most popular websites ever, Pitchfork welcomes over 200 visitors per day from all around Davenport, Iowa and surrounding communities. Much of the music reviewed comes from street musicians, reviewer family members and indie record labels. Although it was inspired by outlets like MTV and Rolling Stone, the website lacks the funds and quality to review real musicians, such as those found on those media and on mainstream radio. What the site reviews depends on the genre. Pitchfork reviews rock acts that readers would only know if they went to every show and listened to every street musician in Brooklyn, London and Stockholm, no matter how small, poorly attended or badly produced. The site reviews electronica and dance music that readers would only know about if they had a gay friend. And finally the site reviews hip hop artists that readers would only know about if they were remotely conscious of anything.
  • Pitchfork Media, o sinxelamente Pitchfork, é unha publicación de Chicago que se edita diariamente através de Internet. Está adicada á crítica e comentarios de música, noticias musicais e entrevistas a artistas, e enfócase principalmente cara a música independente. Sen embargo, o rango de xéneros musicais que aborda exténdense ata a electrónica, o pop, o hip hop, a música dance, o folk, o jazz e a música experimental.
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