  • Insanity Prerequisite
  • Insanity Prerequisite is a story in six parts. The first three are titled Insanity Prerequisite and were written by Dr. Bender. The fourth and fifth parts are titled The Devil's Dance, and were written by Renae. The last part is also titled Insanity Prerequisite, and was a group effort from an outline written by Dr. Bender with many events supplied by most of the canon authors. The parts should be read in this order.
  • Insanity Prerequisite is a story in six parts. The first three are titled Insanity Prerequisite and were written by Dr. Bender. The fourth and fifth parts are titled The Devil's Dance, and were written by Renae. The last part is also titled Insanity Prerequisite, and was a group effort from an outline written by Dr. Bender with many events supplied by most of the canon authors. The parts should be read in this order.