  • Terrorism
  • "Terrorism" is a song by Andy Partridge. It originally appeared in 1987 as a B-side to the "The Meeting Place" 12" single. It later appeared on the 2002 Coat of Many Cupboards box set.
  • Terrorism was violence or the threat of violence, coordinated by a group of people, typically performed in order to coerce or antagonize a national government. It was the policy of government of the United States of America not to negotiate with terrorist groups, because first, there was no absolute guarantee that the terrorists would follow through upon their side of the bargain once their demands were met, and second, other terrorist groups might have learned of it and it would, as President David Palmer stated in Day 3, have been "open season" for kidnappings and murder of Americans everywhere.
  • Terrorism should not be confused with Terrellism, which is a movement that initially began in France. Terrorism is not usually considered as kindhearted acts of affection, though its believers appear to have a good time with it.
  • Terrorism is a hidden value which measures a nation's risk of radical groups using violence against it in an attempt to change the nation's policies.
  • Some writers have compared events like the Corrupted Blood bug and use of characters affected by Baron Geddon's Living Bomb power to terrorist tactics. Another instance of terrorism is the Battleground Master Ransom of october 25, 2008. Anyway, nearly all of the comments complaining about the article roughness and simplicity. Suggesting, it's more like about sensationalism and must not be taken seriously.
  • Terrorism is This includes terrorist acts committed within and outside U.S. national boundaries.
  • The True Way was a Cardassian terrorist group. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir", "Crossfire", Star Trek: Constance, Star Trek: Pendragon, Star Trek: Sigils and Unions, Star Trek: Online) The Ansata were a terrorist group on Rutia IV, seeking independence from the planetary government. (TNG: "The High Ground", Star Trek: A Call to Duty) The Bajoran Resistance acted as a terrorist group during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor but became the Bajoran Militia when the occupation ended. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion, although it has no legally-binding definition. Various forms of terrorism exist, including State-sponsored terrorism, State-terrorism, eco-terrorism and domestic terrorism. Its name originated as early as Jacobin member Maxmillian Robespierre's reign of terror during the French Revolution, derived from the terror circusem warning protocol from the Roman Empire. However, since 1869, when the People's Retribution terrorist cell leader Sergey Nechayev called himself a "terrorist," the term was redefined from an exclusive reference to state terrorism to any non-governmental groups killing innocent civilians.
  • As stated above Terrorism in Code Geass is more seen as a Resistance against the Britannian Empire Terrorism also serve as the story narrative. Zero/Lelouch is the first main character to be branded as a terrorist after it is revealed the he murdered his brother the Third Prince Clovis, Viceroy of Area 11 at the time of his death. The Black Knights are branded terrorists by the press at first because they used tactics like bombing, gunning down sellers of Refrain, and attacking the Britannian Military. Towards the end of the story, the Black Knights as an organization are really no longer considered to be terrorists, rather they are called freedom fighters, fighting against the "evil" emperor Lelouch, the man that was once their leader as Zero.
  • Those filthy terrorists! Let's burn an effigy of Wal-Mart! Does anyone have a full-scale plushie effigy of a Wal-Mart supermarket? ... Thanks Ted. I mean Kohbar. Can I just ask why you had this in your pocket? And now onto our culture section, with Shilpa Shetty.
  • Once Lex Luthor told Superman that Mighty Motors can't be blamed if one of their cars was used as a getaway vehicle for terrorists.
  • Terrorism is the process of using fear as a means of coercion. It is used as a tactic of groups hoping to force a change to meet their ideological values. Individuals who carry out acts of terrorism are known as terrorists. In the 24th century the search for the Stone of Gol revealed the VIM to be a "terrorist movement." (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)
  • Terror groups and terrorism has been a huge problem for the nation since the events of 9/11. Pakistan borders Afghanistan, a violent k. and unstable region of the world. The problems in Afghanistan go back to the 1980's, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support a pro-communist government against rebel factions, such as the Extremist group of the Taliban. The Soviet Union eventually lost its proxy war in Afghanistan, and when Soviet troops pulled out of Afghanistan, the government supported by it fell and this created a power vacuum, which was filled by the Taliban (The Taliban and other rebel factions were funded by the US and Pakistan to fight Russia). The Taliban imposed harsh and inhumane laws, and provided a safe haven for many anti West, extremist groups, the most notable
  • Terrorism and terrorist are among the most disputed words in politics. What constitutes terrorism? Who is a terrorist? The use of these words vary greatly. For many observers, terrorism designates anyone using violence for reasons not involving economic gain or emotional satisfaction in a manner not protected by civil law or the law of war. For governments, the category of terrorism narrows to include targeting the state or interests deemed most important to the state. A terrorist would therefore be someone who perpetates or is accused of perpetratign such acts.
  • Terrorism is the use of force by groups or individuals called terrorists to obtain political or other demands. Such force is known to include criminal, violent, extremist, or military acts. There is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. As noted by the Ansata, what is considered as terrorism in one society is considered freedom fighting in another, thus choosing to name themselves as rebels, insurgents or resistance fighters. Conversely, the terrorists (like the Bajorans, the Maquis or the Cardassian Rebellion) could consider their enemies as oppressors, occupiers, or conquerors.
  • Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion. In the international community, however, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism, though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group. The writer Heinrich Böll and scholars Raj Desai and H
  • In the future, terrorism will be eliminated. Starting in the developed world then in the third world. Thanks to globalization, less people are poor. Poverty is the cause of most terrorism. Because of the City Awareness Grid Electronic C.A.G.E bombs can't be activated and all terrorists' movements are tracked useing Biometrics. Airplanes will eventually be controlled by artificial intelligence and will not be able to be taken over by terrorists. Another Scenario: A New Caliphate - a popular and charismatic leader of the Muslim world:
  •|desc=World of Warcraft Shines Light on Terror Tactics
  • "Terrorism" is a song by Andy Partridge. It originally appeared in 1987 as a B-side to the "The Meeting Place" 12" single. It later appeared on the 2002 Coat of Many Cupboards box set.
  • Terrorism was violence or the threat of violence, coordinated by a group of people, typically performed in order to coerce or antagonize a national government. It was the policy of government of the United States of America not to negotiate with terrorist groups, because first, there was no absolute guarantee that the terrorists would follow through upon their side of the bargain once their demands were met, and second, other terrorist groups might have learned of it and it would, as President David Palmer stated in Day 3, have been "open season" for kidnappings and murder of Americans everywhere.
  • Terrorism should not be confused with Terrellism, which is a movement that initially began in France. Terrorism is not usually considered as kindhearted acts of affection, though its believers appear to have a good time with it.
  • Terrorism is a hidden value which measures a nation's risk of radical groups using violence against it in an attempt to change the nation's policies.
  • Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion. In the international community, however, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political, or ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Some definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism, though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group. The writer Heinrich Böll and scholars Raj Desai and Harry Eckstein have suggested that attempts to protect against terrorism may lead to a kind of social oppression. The word "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged, and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise definition. Studies have found over 100 definitions of “terrorism”. The concept of terrorism may be controversial as it is often used by state authorities (and individuals with access to state support) to delegitimize political or other opponents, and potentially legitimize the state's own use of armed force against opponents (such use of force may be described as "terror" by opponents of the state). Terrorism has been practiced by a broad array of political organizations to further their objectives. It has been practiced by both right-wing and left-wing political parties, nationalistic groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments. An abiding characteristic is the indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals.
  • Some writers have compared events like the Corrupted Blood bug and use of characters affected by Baron Geddon's Living Bomb power to terrorist tactics. Another instance of terrorism is the Battleground Master Ransom of october 25, 2008. Anyway, nearly all of the comments complaining about the article roughness and simplicity. Suggesting, it's more like about sensationalism and must not be taken seriously.
  • In the future, terrorism will be eliminated. Starting in the developed world then in the third world. Thanks to globalization, less people are poor. Poverty is the cause of most terrorism. Because of the City Awareness Grid Electronic C.A.G.E bombs can't be activated and all terrorists' movements are tracked useing Biometrics. Airplanes will eventually be controlled by artificial intelligence and will not be able to be taken over by terrorists. Advances in Biotechnology lead to the possibility of relatively small sects producing lethal weapons on a previously unimaginable scale. To counter this threat Information Control is used to mislead, trap, and generally mitigate the danger. Another Scenario: A New Caliphate - a popular and charismatic leader of the Muslim world: The proclamation of a Caliphate would not lessen the likelihood of terrorism and, in fomenting more conflict, could fuel a new generation of terrorists intent on attacking those opposed to the Caliphate, whether inside or outside the Muslim world.
  • Terrorism is This includes terrorist acts committed within and outside U.S. national boundaries.
  • Terrorism is the process of using fear as a means of coercion. It is used as a tactic of groups hoping to force a change to meet their ideological values. Individuals who carry out acts of terrorism are known as terrorists. Terrorism had largely disappeared from Earth by the mid-21st century. A number of terrorist groups, including the Alliance for the Twelfth of November and the Irish Republican Army, joined forces to try to capture a pair of Vulcans stranded on Earth in 2045; their failure and eventual deaths and arrests led to the end of their organizations. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) In the 23rd century the Klingon High Council maintained a zero-tolerance directive on terrorism. Acting under this directive, in 2267, Kor, son of Rynar ordered that two hundred Organians be rounded up and executed in response to the Organians aiding the escape of James T. Kirk, whom he considered to have carried out a terrorist act in the sabotage of the Klingon's ammunition depot. When Kor's first officer, Kahlor, son of Kolox, questioned the honor of slaughtering two hundred innocents, Kor noted the High Council directive and pointed out that "today's terrorist is tomorrow's revolutionary". (TOS comic: "Against Their Nature") In the 24th century the search for the Stone of Gol revealed the VIM to be a "terrorist movement." (Last Unicorn RPG module: All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook)
  • The True Way was a Cardassian terrorist group. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir", "Crossfire", Star Trek: Constance, Star Trek: Pendragon, Star Trek: Sigils and Unions, Star Trek: Online) The Ansata were a terrorist group on Rutia IV, seeking independence from the planetary government. (TNG: "The High Ground", Star Trek: A Call to Duty) The Bajoran Resistance acted as a terrorist group during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor but became the Bajoran Militia when the occupation ended. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Terror groups and terrorism has been a huge problem for the nation since the events of 9/11. Pakistan borders Afghanistan, a violent k. and unstable region of the world. The problems in Afghanistan go back to the 1980's, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support a pro-communist government against rebel factions, such as the Extremist group of the Taliban. The Soviet Union eventually lost its proxy war in Afghanistan, and when Soviet troops pulled out of Afghanistan, the government supported by it fell and this created a power vacuum, which was filled by the Taliban (The Taliban and other rebel factions were funded by the US and Pakistan to fight Russia). The Taliban imposed harsh and inhumane laws, and provided a safe haven for many anti West, extremist groups, the most notable being Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden. Eventually, Al Qaeda launched a terror attack on the US on 9/11. The United States once again became involved in Afghanistan, known to harbor the Al Qaeda leadership, and launched a major military offence on Afghanistan, such as bombing raids and ground troop deployment, pushing back the Taliban and Al Qaeda. After this offensive, many Taliban and Al Qaeda groups began to flee to Pakistan, which is a safe haven for such groups. Now, in the present, these groups persist and even spread in Pakistan, causing sectarian violence, suicide bombings and many deaths.
  • Terrorism and terrorist are among the most disputed words in politics. What constitutes terrorism? Who is a terrorist? The use of these words vary greatly. For many observers, terrorism designates anyone using violence for reasons not involving economic gain or emotional satisfaction in a manner not protected by civil law or the law of war. For governments, the category of terrorism narrows to include targeting the state or interests deemed most important to the state. A terrorist would therefore be someone who perpetates or is accused of perpetratign such acts. Terrorist is such a powerful word that it is reguraly deployed to demonize opponents. Ideological conservatives, however, tend to use it ti designate those whom they strongly disapprove.
  • Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as a means of coercion, although it has no legally-binding definition. Various forms of terrorism exist, including State-sponsored terrorism, State-terrorism, eco-terrorism and domestic terrorism. Its name originated as early as Jacobin member Maxmillian Robespierre's reign of terror during the French Revolution, derived from the terror circusem warning protocol from the Roman Empire. However, since 1869, when the People's Retribution terrorist cell leader Sergey Nechayev called himself a "terrorist," the term was redefined from an exclusive reference to state terrorism to any non-governmental groups killing innocent civilians.
  • Terrorism is the use of force by groups or individuals called terrorists to obtain political or other demands. Such force is known to include criminal, violent, extremist, or military acts. There is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. As noted by the Ansata, what is considered as terrorism in one society is considered freedom fighting in another, thus choosing to name themselves as rebels, insurgents or resistance fighters. Conversely, the terrorists (like the Bajorans, the Maquis or the Cardassian Rebellion) could consider their enemies as oppressors, occupiers, or conquerors. One terrorist leader in the 1990s and 2000s was Osama Bin Laden. An image of him appeared to Captain Archer when the time stream was corrected. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In September of 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out on the United States of America on Earth. An image of the attack on New York City appeared to Archer after he had corrected the timeline that Vosk had corrupted. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") This article only deals with the reference to World Trade Center attack from Star Trek: Enterprise as nothing more than an image of the burning towers was shown in canon. For more information on the September 2001 attacks, please see the September 11, 2001 attacks at [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]]. In 2004, Loomis commented that he thought the Xindi-Reptilians that he was collecting blood "samples" for might be terrorists. (ENT: "Carpenter Street") In 2024, Ireland was re-unified after a successful string of terrorist attacks influenced northern counties to merge into the rest of the independent Republic of Ireland. (TNG: "The High Ground" ) This piece of future history was deliberately cut from the aired episode in the United Kingdom. [1] During World War III, Colonel Phillip Green led a faction of ultra-violent eco-terrorists, which resulted in some 37 million deaths by the war's end in 2053. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" production art) Information regarding the start date of World War Three and Phillip Green's role in the war comes from an historical archive graphic seen on a monitor aboard the USS Defiant in "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II". In 2154, the Vulcan High Command considered the Syrrannite movement to be a terrorist organization. That group was implicated in the bombing of the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan, which had actually been planned by members of the High Command. (ENT: "The Forge", "Awakening", "Kir'Shara") Prior to the Antwerp Conference, the last significant terrorist bombing on Earth took place some time prior to 2272. (DS9: "Homefront") In 2286, the Klingon Ambassador Kamarag called James T. Kirk a terrorist for killing a Klingon crew and for stealing their ship. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The Ansata turned to terrorism in 2296 to obtain independence for their region on Rutia IV. (TNG: "The High Ground" ) According to Aamin Marritza, while he was posing as Gul Darhe'el, the most effective terrorist weapon was the random violence. (DS9: "Duet") After a bomb destroyed the school aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369, Commander Sisko told Vedek Winn that this was no misguided person who did this but someone who listened to Winn's voice. Winn disbelieved that Sisko was holding her responsible for this act of terrorism. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets") The Cardassians saw the attacks on them by the Bajorans during the Occupation to be terrorist actions, although the Bajorans considered those who carried out the attacks to be freedom fighters. Kira though, recognized that she had been a terrorist and told Thomas Riker so, explaining that he would never make a good terrorist, since he wanted to be a hero, and terrorists never get to be heroes. (DS9: "Defiant") In 2357, Surmak Ren was convicted of terrorism by the Cardassian Regional Court and sentenced to a term in the Velos VII internment camp, for actions arising from the kidnapping of Gul Spumco. (DS9: "Babel") In 2370, the Circle, headed by Bajoran Minister Jaro Essa attempted to take control of Deep Space 9. They were foiled by Li Nalas and Major Kira Nerys. (DS9: "The Siege") Officially, the Federation viewed the Maquis as a terrorist group. Federation citizens who aided or joined the Maquis subsequently lost their Federation citizenship. (DS9: "For the Cause") Despite this, Admiral Nechayev said in "The Maquis, Part II" that members of the Maquis were "still Federation citizens". This may represent a change in Federation policy over time. In 2372, the Cardassian group the True Way began terrorist attacks on Federation and Bajoran targets. They planted and detonated a bomb aboard the USS Orinoco and attempted to assassinate First Minister Shakaar Edon. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir", "Crossfire") After Kira Nerys asked Weyoun to release Rom, the Vorta told her that the Dominion "takes a dim view of terrorism". (DS9: "Favor the Bold")
  • As stated above Terrorism in Code Geass is more seen as a Resistance against the Britannian Empire Terrorism also serve as the story narrative. Zero/Lelouch is the first main character to be branded as a terrorist after it is revealed the he murdered his brother the Third Prince Clovis, Viceroy of Area 11 at the time of his death. The Black Knights are branded terrorists by the press at first because they used tactics like bombing, gunning down sellers of Refrain, and attacking the Britannian Military. Towards the end of the story, the Black Knights as an organization are really no longer considered to be terrorists, rather they are called freedom fighters, fighting against the "evil" emperor Lelouch, the man that was once their leader as Zero.
  • Those filthy terrorists! Let's burn an effigy of Wal-Mart! Does anyone have a full-scale plushie effigy of a Wal-Mart supermarket? ... Thanks Ted. I mean Kohbar. Can I just ask why you had this in your pocket? And now onto our culture section, with Shilpa Shetty.
  • Once Lex Luthor told Superman that Mighty Motors can't be blamed if one of their cars was used as a getaway vehicle for terrorists.
is Occupation of