  • Ord'mirit mining vessel
  • In 2375, a biomimetic copy of the USS Voyager encountered a vessel of this type while in orbit of a class Y planet in the Delta Quadrant. The commander of the ship claimed their presence was in violation of the Ord'mirit Mining Treaty. Although the duplicate Kathryn Janeway attempted to explain the situation, the ship simply reiterated its earlier demands and fired again. While Voyager could have completely destroyed the opposing ship with a polaron blast that would have destabilized its warp core, Janeway rejected that offer despite Voyager's current dire condition, not wanting to destroy a ship that was only attacking them due to a misunderstanding. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")
  • In 2375, a biomimetic copy of the USS Voyager encountered a vessel of this type while in orbit of a class Y planet in the Delta Quadrant. The commander of the ship claimed their presence was in violation of the Ord'mirit Mining Treaty. Although the duplicate Kathryn Janeway attempted to explain the situation, the ship simply reiterated its earlier demands and fired again. While Voyager could have completely destroyed the opposing ship with a polaron blast that would have destabilized its warp core, Janeway rejected that offer despite Voyager's current dire condition, not wanting to destroy a ship that was only attacking them due to a misunderstanding. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")