  • Filiavent
  • Filiavents (Japanese: ナグァダ, Nagwada) are huge Piscinoid enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They resemble sea anemones; their bodies can extend to great heights during battle, and they can hover slightly off the ground. They can be found in Noctilum, Sylvalum, and Cauldros. During battles, filliavents primarily use electric-based attacks.
  • Filiavents (Japanese: ナグァダ, Nagwada) are huge Piscinoid enemies in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They resemble sea anemones; their bodies can extend to great heights during battle, and they can hover slightly off the ground. They can be found in Noctilum, Sylvalum, and Cauldros. During battles, filliavents primarily use electric-based attacks.