  • Edicts of Guthix
  • Edicts of Guthix
  • Edicts of Guthix
  • Edicts of Guthix, eli Guthixin säädökset ovat säädöksiä, jotka Guthix laati Jumalasotien loputtua. Säädösten kirjoittamisen aikaan Gielinorissa vallitsi tasapaino kahden jumalan, kaaoksen jumala Zamorakin ja järjestyksen jumala Saradominin välillä. Jos jompikumpi jumala olisi väsynyt tasapainoon ja yrittäisi tuhota toisen, hyökkäyksen koheeksi joutunut jumala voisi kutsoa apujoukkoja toisista maailmoista. Tämä johtaisi kriisiin, josta syttyisi toinen Jumalasota. Jos Guthixin säädöksiä rikotaan, valittu Guthixin seuraajien joukko voisi suorittaa muinasen rituaalin, joka uudelleenherättäisi Guthixin, joka tuhoaisi Gielinorin maailman, ja tekisi siitä sellaisen, kuin se ei ikinä ollut.
  • In the Fourth Age, it was believed that there was "balance" in Gielinor between the god of order, Saradomin, and the god of chaos, Zamorak. It was also believed that if either god were to upset this balance by attempting to attack the other, another God War would begin. If the Edicts were violated, a select group of Guthixians would re-awaken Guthix, causing him to remake the world without mercy for beast or man, destroying Gielinor as known by its modern inhabitants in the process. This was clarified in the Origin Of Gielinor and The World Wakes, as the Edict of Guthix was made to ban all higher tier gods from the world to avoid them from causing any more destruction to it, and it could not be broken, unless Guthix were to die.
  • The Edicts of Guthix, most prominently alluded to in the Darkness of Hallowvale quest, are apparently a series of decrees Guthix created for the world after the last God War. At the time of this writing, there is "balance" in Gielinor between the god of order, Saradomin, and the god of chaos, Zamorak. If either god were to upset this balance by attempting to invade the other, then the other god would potentially call on reinforcements from other realms. This would escalate the crisis and lead to another devastating God War. Guthix, according to legend of his followers, would then awake and wreak justice on Gielinor, remaking the world as it has never been but destroying it in the process.
  • The Edicts of Guthix, most prominently alluded to in the Darkness of Hallowvale quest, are apparently a series of decrees Guthix created for the world after the last God War. At the time of this writing, there is "balance" in Gielinor between the god of order, Saradomin, and the god of chaos, Zamorak. If either god were to upset this balance by attempting to invade the other, then the other god would potentially call on reinforcements from other realms. This would escalate the crisis and lead to another devastating God War. Guthix, according to legend of his followers, would then awake and wreak justice on Gielinor, remaking the world as it has never been but destroying it in the process. The Edicts of Guthix are being investigated by Saradomin scholars for a loophole after the revelation that werewolves had crossed the Salve and kidnapped humans for blood tithes.
  • In the Fourth Age, it was believed that there was "balance" in Gielinor between the god of order, Saradomin, and the god of chaos, Zamorak. It was also believed that if either god were to upset this balance by attempting to attack the other, another God War would begin. If the Edicts were violated, a select group of Guthixians would re-awaken Guthix, causing him to remake the world without mercy for beast or man, destroying Gielinor as known by its modern inhabitants in the process. This was clarified in the Origin Of Gielinor and The World Wakes, as the Edict of Guthix was made to ban all higher tier gods from the world to avoid them from causing any more destruction to it, and it could not be broken, unless Guthix were to die. Though Saradomin and Zamorak were the main deities battling each other by the time Guthix awoke from his slumber, the Edicts also affected Bandos, Armadyl, Marimbo, V, Tumeken and Elidinis, though the rest of the Menaphite Pantheon and the other minor deities were allowed to remain because of their lesser powers and influence. Seren never left, but instead turned herself to crystal and shattered, which left her pieces across the forest. It was long thought that Zaros was not bound by the Edicts but as stated, it was proven that even he was bound. __TOC__
  • Edicts of Guthix, eli Guthixin säädökset ovat säädöksiä, jotka Guthix laati Jumalasotien loputtua. Säädösten kirjoittamisen aikaan Gielinorissa vallitsi tasapaino kahden jumalan, kaaoksen jumala Zamorakin ja järjestyksen jumala Saradominin välillä. Jos jompikumpi jumala olisi väsynyt tasapainoon ja yrittäisi tuhota toisen, hyökkäyksen koheeksi joutunut jumala voisi kutsoa apujoukkoja toisista maailmoista. Tämä johtaisi kriisiin, josta syttyisi toinen Jumalasota. Jos Guthixin säädöksiä rikotaan, valittu Guthixin seuraajien joukko voisi suorittaa muinasen rituaalin, joka uudelleenherättäisi Guthixin, joka tuhoaisi Gielinorin maailman, ja tekisi siitä sellaisen, kuin se ei ikinä ollut. Hallowvalen Pimeys-tehtävässä joukko saradoministeja tutkii, Guthixin säädöksissä olevaa porsaanreikää. Samaisessa tehtävässä selviää, että kaksi Ihmissutta on onnistunut ylittämaan Salvejoen, jonka yli ei kummankaan puolen pitäisi päästä. Seergazen Perintö-tehtävässä selviää, että joukko liitoutuneita Saradominin ja Zamorakin seuraajia juonittelee, päästäkseen kiertämään säädökset. Juna-käärmeelle puhuttaessa on mahdollisuus että pelaaja kertoo Shadow of the Storm-tehtävästä. Kun pelaaja on kertonut Junalle tehtävästä Juna vastaa, että Agriht-Naar on keksinyt tavan kiertää säädökset. Tämä saattaa tarkoittaa toista tapaa, kuin Myreque-Tehtäväsarjassa. Luokka:RuneScape en:Edicts of Guthix
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